hahahahaha, i did something like that to the ass hole who stole my xbox 360 and cod4, he plugged the xbox into the internet and played some games cuz i went on my profile on xbox.com and it said i played games i have never owned like 3 hours after it was stolen so i got my serial number and called microsoft, they told me the ip address it was coming from and i did a DNS look up to find out the douche lived in my apartment, so i grabbed my remote which was still synced to the xbox and walked up and down the apartment just trying to turn on my xbox cuz they have a pretty good distance they will work, sure enough my controller lit up saying it was turning on my 360 and i called the cops lmao! but moral of the story is if your gonna steal something, atleast be smart about it, i mean using the internet is just asking to get caught, atleast wipe the hard drive and dont use the guys accounts and shit, a 4 year old would know that!