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Everything posted by Ahmadi6490

  1. Hell yes this is what we need, states standing up to this bullshit. Ohio needs to be next
  2. I am most likely going to sell my G17 at the gun show this weekend. Would love to pick this one up, i'll def be in touch
  3. Whats best price locally NIB to buy one? $399? Or was that a used one I saw...
  4. Super helpful link! Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms Kasich opposes the CC survey question on right to bear arms Voted YES on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. I think were good :thumbup: But if a state passes a law, can it still go to the supreme courts if it has enough votes in favor of the new law? "Several Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation designed to protect gun-owners from any potential federal firearm ban. The “Firearms Protection Act” bill, introduced this week, would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries" Source: http://k2radio.com/wyoming-lawmakers-propose-gun-protection-legislation/ Actual Firearms Protection Act: http://k2radio.com/wyoming-house-bill-no-hb0104-firearm-protection-act/ AND the act prohibits any registration in any manner...i'm movin to Wyoming
  5. http://www.infowars.com/illinois-government-wants-gold-registration/ Wow.... Best response: “So let me get this straight,” writes Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg. “First they want gun registration and now precious metal registration? I’m sure the government would only use such information in our best interests, because as we all know: Your Government Loves You. Sounds reasonable, after all, only ‘terrorists’ buy guns and gold anyway.”
  6. If federal law did try to take away our 2nd amendment can't the states as an individual call the 10th amendment and protect their citizens? I know Wyoming is proposing a law to avoid the banning of semi autos and high cap mags if it happens: http://www.infowars.com/wyoming-lawmakers-propose-gun-protection-legislation/ I know Ohio's Governor voted for the Clinton Ban when it happened, wonder which direction our state is going to hold
  7. Ahmadi6490

    What if?

    /\ LOL /\ Civil war would happen I think
  8. RIP That sucks this happened to him, he made some kick ass videos....makes me wonder if he might have been shot with his own gun.
  9. I have about 50 rounds or so of 25-06 castings
  10. Idk if this is the right section, every time I leave rating for a member it comes back with this: There were the following errors: There was an error in your deal details! It does this every time! What am I doing wrong? It says thread URL is an option and the comment section visible to admins, seller and buyer is additional. P.S. To those i've dealt with sorry I havent been leaving jack shit because of this lol
  11. Buy magazines...a high cap mag ban is going to be proposed tomorrow!
  12. http://img179.imagevenue.com/loc146/th_101480773_photo_122_146lo.JPG http://img13.imagevenue.com/loc595/th_103639152_photo2_122_595lo.JPG http://img203.imagevenue.com/loc362/th_103642322_photo3_122_362lo.JPG Freshly bathed S&W 686
  13. Looking for a few 9mm Glock mags to take to the range, hate having to take all my L.E ammo out of my mag. Idc if they are off brand just gunna use them for the range...thanks!
  14. One of my friends is selling an 06 kodiak 450 4x4 for cheap...it's kinda beat like the plastics and only bumps and dings but it runs. He wants around 1k or so I think
  15. This is going to be awesome...im still kinda worried about high prices though
  16. SAME, and everywhere is almost bone dry of ammo. .40 is almost the same price as 9mm now unless it too went up?! I used to be able to find $10-12 a box online...that'll never happen again. I need to find me bulk Wolf cases :thumbup:
  17. $50 chipotle card for $40 Anyone got blackwing or vances gift certificates ehh?
  18. Parks and bars is news to me! I guess it's mostly new vehicle laws and where you can park your vehicle with a firearm in it sorta thing. http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/cleveland_metro/gov-john-kasich-will-sign-off-on-changes-to-ohio-gun-law http://www.toledonewsnow.com/story/6221323/state-of-ohio-gun-laws-to-change-on-wednesday?clienttype=printable
  19. I've been hearing rumors and looked a little online but couldn't find specific details. Looks like CCW permit holders can operate a vehicle with the weapon in plain sight (seat, dash, etc) AND it no longer needs to be holstered BIG shock to me but for safety I think i'm still going to rock the holster. And I just found out that we can take our firearms to parks and bars (as long as the owner does not have a prohibited sign up)...which might be old news to many I bet gun enthusiasts are real happy and anti-gun folks are very mad :thumbup:
  20. I got $50 to chipotle....lookin for any dicks, walmart, meijer, etc cards
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