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Everything posted by Ahmadi6490

  1. I think it would cause a civil war
  2. In March of 2012, Obama signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP) executive order that declared peacetime marital law. Obama granted himself authority over all domestic energy, production, transportation, food and water, all in the name of National Security. The NDRP has roots in the Defense Production Act of 1950 wherein the US government was empowered to dispense “national resources” in the event of a national emergency that would define any or all Americans as a challenge to the government. Control over all US citizens would be required to maintain continuity of government. The president and advisors would be able to use this directive as they saw fit if the situation warranted it. It was no mistake that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) declared the domestic US a “battlefield”. The ability to detain any American citizen without charge or trial, solely on suspicion is key to the power of the NDAA. From this:http://theintelhub.com/2012/08/27/russian-expert-predicts-obama-will-declare-martial-law-in-america-by-end-of-2012/
  3. PM me i'm looking for a winter car if you wanna sell it around then
  4. What's do you guys think of it? I just learned today that the gov't declared it during Katrina..I can understand why it might be beneficial during a natural disaster, but all the crime that happened afterwards like looting and raping wouldn't you want a firearm to protect yourself and your family? It just blows my mind that the gov't can send the military to a city, search houses and vehicles at will, remove all guns, and take you to jail with no charge or trial. I can somewhat understand the others but taking away our 2nd amendment?!? If we pick up the phone for 911 and get no answer, hear :bangbang: and see fire outside how the hell is someone going to coupe with that. And it's to my understanding that it can be called whenever.... didn't Obama sign something a year or so ago about putting it into effect? I know the patriot act is similar but they can't remove your firearms for no reason can they? Like by the mass? Taking our right to bear arms and protect ourselves that defeats the bill of rights. I'm about to start burying my guns
  5. Didn't IGN rate it a 9.8/10 or something crazy like that? That's nut's i'm eager to go get it right now and quit playing reach
  6. and another state as of yesterday I think but I can't think of which one!
  7. At 109k I had to get a water pump, alternator, serpentine belt, and a pass side o2 sensor, great cars. I paid $2000 for my 97' 3.8 and didn't test out reverse...when I got home I found out it barely worked, had to get a used one put in but other than that she ran strong and screeched the wheels hitting 2nd gear! I had horrible wheel hop from a dig, $100 lower control arms fixed that no problem....for the v6 engines; alum driveshaft also help these cars a lot too, if you add an exhaust be ready for rasp above 3k.
  8. Ended up going today and I took my ak47, I was getting asked about selling it before I even got in the door. Throughout the day it was pretty harassing so i ended up putting it back in my truck so i could walk around lol. Got a thumbhole stock for $20, should look great when i'm done with it and I got a few other accessories like a 75 round drum for $80 :thumbup: I would have sold it for $600 but everyone there is looking for the low low.
  9. If SHTF the first gun I would grab is my Glock 17 9mm is everywhere and I could never clean it
  10. I think lasers make you more shaky than normal. I like the powder room because they are so reasonably priced and it is a 10 minute drive for me, the delaware outdoor range is $5 all day but that's an easy 40 mins drive from me. The Powder Room has been the victim of so much crime over the past decade. Not just that but I remember they had a problem with a faulty/weak firing wall. Number of years ago someone took their own life at the range with a rental gun. Don't quote me on that one though my memory is a little fuzzy about it
  11. How much was it to get in?
  12. I know people that would do ANYTHING for this...was this the pistol on red jacket?
  13. haha that's when you install a crazy racing clutch that she won't be able to drive....unless it's an auto then your on your own :nutkick: my gf recently has been shooting my 357 loads and i'm stuck with shooting the 38 special that I bought for her to use!
  14. Aww damn no we didn't see any of that. He did bust out like more than half of his firearms and let everyone mess with them, kinda like a show and tell We did get all you can eat prime rib that was prob the best part besides his stories. $65 that has to be one of the cheapest rates in central ohio!
  15. By the way I was talking about open carrying firearms not knives lol
  16. It is but it's a huge gray area for the law enforcement, there's a lot of videos on youtube where people do it and purposely get caught...some of them are pretty funny The excuse is inducing public panic :bangbang:
  17. Welcome bud, nice bike by the way what year is it?
  18. Thanks a bunch! I'll keep that in mind:fuckyeah:
  19. You got an eye for detail...I just found out it's a 1971...whoever bought it did not shoot it for 30 years and then sold it. I always wondered why the box I got it in was super old looking.
  20. This is what I took...fun class I recommend it to everyone. I knew his first name was Tim but could not remember his last name
  21. My buddy actually teaches it at the Powder Room in Powell, I think he does it for $125 and you get a free lunch I got mine in Plain City...it was at Lee's bar and the instructor was a retired police chief...lots of stories.
  22. Yep thats it. And finally it's time for pics! http://img287.imagevenue.com/loc555/th_277023983_photo_122_555lo.JPG http://img150.imagevenue.com/loc346/th_277026345_photo2_122_346lo.JPG
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