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Posts posted by zx3vfr

  1. Good way to get yourself shot, pointing something at someome after a near incident. Lucky they didnt really get run over after that. Hopefully the kid just followed thek and reported the incident. We all stop pqying attention from time to time while drivimg, and if you say otherwise, well let me tell you about my time machine and how I went back on your birthday amd boinked your mom....

  2. The guys that look like clueless duffel bags are funny.  Hopefully he was just envious, and not really trying to impersonate or scam.  Although, if someone is a "collector", you would think they would get more details right


    I think the "militia" guys are worse.  They truly act like they are enlisted/commissioned(getting small details wrong).  One of the new Doomsday Preppers episodes filmed in CA shows exactly what I am talking about.

    I don't claim to know all, but being part of whats left of an active militia, we train for peace officer and medical assistamce. Ya we shoot guns in the woods, and none of us are prepper you see on tv or claim to be real militar y
  3. Maybe he's bilingual (mehican and ghetto) and they made him a manager. That's like $12/hr!


    so best case scenario 21k a year I think thats a tad irresponsible to bebbuying a house. If you need a roof thats going to be almost your entire salary for the year, but such is the mind set of the majority of people today. The world owes me everything even though I haven't paid my dues in life and ill just drop money like its going out of style and if I can't pay oh well them rich bankers owe it to me..,,
  4. I've got the perfect bike, ill fess up. I'm a broker and get fat deals on bikes. Anyone who needs a bike let me know, but for OP I highly highly suggest an Italian made piaggio mp3 500, its very quick and handles like nothing else out there. I can get you one for $11,000 taxed titled delivered to your house.

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