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Everything posted by mgbgt89

  1. Had a blast, sucks about dennis' battery though. Dude, if you would have stayed you would have won a pair of gloves. I just now got home, Hit 2 lanes and dirt roads the whole way home. Slabbing it just didn't sound fun. Ended up racking up a little over 400 miles on little red today.
  2. I guess we're meeting up at the sunoco on wooster road in barberton at 7:45 if anyone wants to ride down with us.
  3. Rain or shine, I'll be there. Bike needs a bath anyway.
  4. Sounds like a plan, Pilot station at exit 204 around 7:30am.
  5. BP station at 224/76 and 71? I'll be on an old honda with a milk crate strapped to the rack. Red textile jacket that says honda on both sides.
  6. I use it alot in my bikes. No sense putting in expensive oil when it just leaks out on the ground anyway.
  7. This will be one of the first days I won't be riding to work since the end of march. Gotta go to Michigan for Surfcam training and i'm carpooling there, Bleh.
  8. I just said lodi since I'll be taking 76 over to 71. I'm in barberton if you wanna meet up somewhere around akron and ride with me to meet the folks coming south on 71.
  9. I'd like to go, What time would you be heading through Lodi?
  10. I'm interested, I'm 5'11" 130 on a good day. Think it will be too loose on me?
  11. Haha, I'd love having gerbings, but i doubt my bike would run more than a just one item. I'm getting hippo hands before next winter, right now that is the only part of me that gets cold even in the single digits or below. Riding in snow is so much fun, It just sucks i have to share the road with so many idiot drivers, thats the only thing that keeps me from doing it full time. The 350F is a perfect bike for snow. Very easy to powerslide around corners. I run some shinko knobbies that do a pretty good job, looking at studding a set for next winter.
  12. Damn right. Wish i had someone home that could have taken pictures of me after the ride home. I was caked from head to toe in slush.
  13. Most often i get asked "What year is it?" I have a 1973 indiana plate i was gonna get registered to ride with back home but never did, just to avoid that question. I ride in almost any weather or temp. If its not snowing when i leave for work, I'm on the bike. "You know its gonna rain today?" Yep, If it rains it rains. "Little cold to be riding today isn't it?" I've got the heat turned on. (actually my cage doesn't even have heat, I'm usually warmer geared up on the bike, at least the motor offers some warmth) I always mess with the two fair weather Harley guys at work. It was like 50 something in the morning last week i think, "Isn't it a little cold to be riding guys?" Hell, I was a little chilly in my gear since i took the liners out, they had to have been cold.
  14. Standard here. I argued with the progressive insurance lady for 5 minutes about how my CB350F is not a sportbike, touring bike, or cruiser. Its a STANDARD. I finally gave up and let her call it a touring bike.
  15. I think i'm just gonna be carrying one of these next time. http://www.lifehammer.com/ The problem with throwing stuff is the potential to hit other cars. Call me dumb if you want. I'll retaliate in traffic. Somebody wants to kill me over a broken window? Go for it.
  16. The other guys sounded like they read the sales brochure a few too many times.
  17. No kidding. Sounds like Harley has a serious problem though, A speed wobble can be recovered from, but i don't imagine its too easy on a big overweight bike. Apehangers and forward controls? Good luck. Speed wobbles are no fun.
  18. 224 after the 77 ramp, west bound toward Barberton. F-250 guy got off at manchester road, and the ranger followed, inches off his bumper. I almost wanted to ride the wrong way down the entrance ramp at waterloo and catch them at the Manchester ramp to see if ranger guy was starting some shit. That guy saved my ass, I should have backed him up. I had a large crescent wrench in my tank bag.
  19. Heh, We should ride together sometime. I do lane split at the 76/77 interchange, some days, because i don't feel like getting sodomized by a Lincoln Navigator when traffic suddenly slows from 70 to 15. I've passed way too many rear end accidents not to split lanes. I don't split just for the fun of it, and i've had people swerve at me while i'm splitting on that stretch of road. I go around them, don't flip them off, and don't do my patented Caterpillar steel toe boot mirror removal technique i've grown so much to enjoy. The one thing that makes me feel better about splitting, is when i told my mom, who was adamantly opposed to me riding motorcycles, that i split lanes in heavy traffic. I told her my reason i split, and even her, the person MOST against motorcycles i have ever met, thanked me for risking a ticket for splitting lanes to avoid getting rear ended. She said, a wreckless driving ticket is much cheaper than any hospital bill. (Or a funeral) Well, We could turn this into a lane splitting thread.... If you want.
  20. Back home my best friend rides with a nice shiny chrome .38 in a tank holster, and has never ran into problems. I doubt open carry is legal here though. Seriously though, This has me looking at getting a bike that can get me away from trouble. Bike vs. Car, the car almost always wins. I got very lucky having that guy in the 250 that took it upon himself to protect me. I really wish i knew who he was, I would buy him a beer.
  21. I think he took my merging as cutting him off, Even though i was 3-4 car lengths ahead, and pulling. Once i was in front of him, He got less than a foot off my fender, and once i turned and looked at him it was game on. He got next to me, and tried to force me on the shoulder. His car looked more appealing than a metal guardrail, so i loosened up on the bars and stood up a bit off the seat and let him hit me. The mirror removal ensues, and the f-250 that had been following me for the last 4 miles took over after that.
  22. This does have me thinking, I really need a faster bike. Riding a nearly 40 year old 350 honda doesn't give you alot of chance to escape unless you're being pursued by a diesel chevette.
  23. Merged. Using a signal, moving faster than he was. Probably 3-4 car lengths in front. I was speeding on the entrance ramp. I'll give you that. I call it conservation of momentum.
  24. Two days ago I had a guy deliberately hit me with his ranger on 244 in akron. I punched his mirror off and pulled away while a good Samaritan ran him off the road in an F-250, giving me plenty of escape time. Didn't have a chance to get a plate number, I was too focused on squeezing all of the 34 horses out of my bike to get away from this asshole. I deal with shit almost once week commuting in akron, people merging into me, tailgating, cutting me off deliberately, but this is the first time i've ever actually made contact with a car at interstate speeds. 2 years of riding in Indianapolis, and i had ONE car swerve at me. I really hate this town. I can deal with inattentive drivers, but down right homicidal drivers are something completely different.
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