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Everything posted by mgbgt89

  1. Haha. Nice. I once spent 6 hours hiding under a bed when my girlfriends mom came home unexpectedly. I managed to get my pants back on first though, and i'm pretty sure she didn't own a gun. Man i wish i was in high school again.... Got laid so much more, and definitely in more interesting places since you had to get creative! Those two guys will be friends for life. That's gonna be a hell of a story to tell at a bar someday. "Remember that time we were double teaming that girl then got held at gun point by her dad?" "Good times"
  2. mgbgt89

    Sweet Deal!

    He had me at "sleasy motor put trands." Sounds fast!
  3. A point someone made about this video on another forum was that the van may have assumed the bike was turning into the lot, since there were so many other bikes there. A lot of times i've had drivers assume i was with another bike, just because we happened to be riding on the same road in the same direction. Last weekend i was following another motorcycle, who made a quick right into a gas station. Since i was behind him, Moron at the helm of a mustang pulled out thinking i was following the first bike. I wasn't. I pulled in the clutch and redlined the bike since i don't have a working horn, and swerved around him after he noticed me.
  4. Ouch! Good thing the bike didn't take out any of the riders ahead of him. Hope he walked away from that.
  5. Train yourself to look where you want to go, TURN YOUR HEAD. I practice on interstate on-ramps, take it easy, get close to the outside shoulder, then dive to the inside, fall back out, dive again. Get to the point where you can put the bike in any position in your lane at a moments notice mid corner. Aim for a spot in the road and try to hit it. You never know when you have to make a quick dive to the inside shoulder when you come around a blind corner meeting a car head on. If all you see is that inside shoulder, and not the car coming right at you, your chances of survival are better. I've had close calls, even hugging the inside of a corner i've still had to dive for that tiny strip of pavement to miss a car. It sounds dumb but the bike will follow your eyes, until grip or lean angle runs out anyway. Don't be like me and forget the bike you're riding has way less lean angle than your usual rider though... I was doing this the other day on the nighthawk and dove WAY to hard. Big ol' fatty can't lean like my little 350F. Ground the shit out of one of my pegs, oops.
  6. Oh yeah, Make sure everything else is done before you go playing with jetting. Carbs synced, valves adjusted, cam chain adjusted if you're supposed to do that on a SH, (not sure if they even use a chain?)
  7. If its falling on its face at 6K, Your mains are probably to big. If the bike has adjustable needle clips you can raise the clip position, which would lean it out some. Check the plugs after every adjustment to see where you're at. I'm betting just playing with the needle will fix your issues. You might want to open the carbs up and see what size jets you have and compare them with stock. From how you're describing it, its got a jet kit in it.
  8. If it runs better in cool air you're a tad on the rich side. Since you re-baffled the exhaust, that richened up the mix. What do the plugs look like? I'm betting they've nice and dark. Rich is always better than lean, but if you want more power you can lean it out a bit. Go too lean and bad things happen though. (overheating, holed pistons) I'm almost positive you don't need a carb clean, since that makes a bike run lean due to blocked jets.
  9. Yes, You have to have some juice to get spark. Points ignitions can fire on very very low charge, but it won't run for long since most stators need power going in to energize them before they can put power out. Do you have spark? You might be smelling gas if you're trying a ton to start it with no spark, since the fuel is just gonna hang out in the cylinder and not get burned.
  10. Looks like he was under braking after he ran wide too.
  11. Didn't really look that fast, Maybe 70 if that. Target fixation is a bitch. RIP rider.
  12. Funny you say that, That's exactly how i feel about sportbikes. To each his own!
  13. 610's top out just a hair over 100. If you're worried about top speed you're missing the point of a supermoto. Passing sportbikes in corners hanging the ass end out is what they're all about. That video is what sparked me on sumos a few years ago. Wanted one ever since. This looks like stupid, stupid fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDbWSkTwJdk I wish i had the money for this. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/2567462080.html
  14. I'd much rather have the 610. Way different bikes though, a sumo fits my riding style so much better. I'm planning on getting a husky or KTM sumo in the next year or two. I've ridden a 954 a few times, and it was boring unless i was risking going to jail. I would never ride that thing again unless it was on a track. Its got 4.5 times the horsepower of my daily rider, and i felt like there was no possible reason to have THAT much power on the street. If you can't ever even crack the throttle without risking your licence, whats the point? To each his own, I don't knock people for riding a bike like that, I just don't find it fun.
  15. Growing up in rural Indiana, many RR crossings have nothing but a set of signs. Treat them like a yield sign, and don't die. I'm amazed at how many people i see blasting across a blind crossing at 50 mph, even during harvest season when they're jammed full of grain trains. Somebody dies, and all the sudden its the railroads fault for the "dangerous crossing" Would you cross a state highway without stopping or looking? Why should a railroad crossing be any different?
  16. YES! I was hoping that would happen. I've had a blast there every year, It would suck to have to ride all the way to texas for it.
  17. According to Jeb, he was going 122 mph through the gap, forward speed according to gps.
  18. I've been watching this video at least 15 times a day for the past 3 days. Un-fucking-real. I've never seen the appeal in base jumping, but this.... Hell yes. Just like someone else posted above, I wish i had the means to do that.
  19. A few weeks after i got my first bike my foot slipped pulling into a parking spot at my old apartment complex and i dropped it. I'm a scrawny guy, and then i was only about 120 pounds, trying to pick up a 480 pound bike. After much frustration, I finally got it up, and it went over on the other side! Got it back up eventually. Finally, exhausted, i went inside and took a breather. Came back out to see if the thing would start, hit the button, and it rolled forward, and went down for the 3rd time in a 20 minute period. I had left it in gear. The clutch lever sensor was bypassed by the previous owner since it was broken. That was a bad day for the old nighthawk.
  20. Ignore the arrow, I'm talking about that long brass tube sticking up. Just pulled it off google.
  21. I would pull off the float bowls and look at the brass overflow tubes that run up from the base of the bowl. Make sure they're clear, and make sure they aren't cracked on the sides. When the fuel level reaches the point of overflowing, fuel must be able to pass over the top of the tube and drain out the bottom. Otherwise, it has nowhere to go but down the intake tracts and into the engine.
  22. Just the hoses or blocked them somehow? There should be a nipple on the bottom of the carb that will leak gas if you leave the petcock on and fuel leaks past the float needle. Make sure those are operational before you do anything else. Hydrolocking a motor is assured carnage. I've seen hackjobs where people block those off instead of fixing the problem with carb, and end up destroying the engine. A wheeze from the cylinder is normal. If you don't have compression, you'll feel it in the kickstarter.
  23. The carbs should not have overflowed into the engine in the first place. They have overflow lines out the bottom, make sure they are not blocked, or looped up to keep them from overflowing. Pull the plugs and kick the engine over. You're really risking bending a rod trying to start it how it is if the cylinders are full of gas.
  24. Anytime i see asshattery like this and i'm in my cage, I take the asshole on. Had a guy do the same for me once while i was on my bike. I'll do anything to protect a rider out on the road. I saw a goldwing once on I-70 getting tailgated horribly by a semi, i bet the driver could only see the riders head. I pulled along side and did a small swerve to get the riders attention and motioned for him to pull ahead. He goosed it and i parked my truck right in front of that dick. No turn signal, nothing. Slowed down to about 45 and would NOT let that piece of shit by. 4500 pounds isn't much compared to 80K, but its a hell of a lot better than 800. I may act tough on the internet, but seeing nothing but semi grille in your mirror puts a nice sized lump in your throat.
  25. I've got several stories about road raging ohio assholes. My riding buddies from back home in Indiana now refer to drivers here as F.O.B's - Fucking Ohio Bastards. They're on the loose, we ran into a FOB last month in Tennessee. 4 bikes on the interstate doing about 10-12 over in the middle lane of three, FOB to the rear, heavy traffic. Our friend tried passing on the right, ran out of room because of a semi, and simply swerved into the lane of the bike riding 3rd. The whole time i was thinking to myself, I bet this asshole isn't from around here.Sure enough, Red white and blue plate, Plain as day. Indiana drivers just sit at 4 way stops for 2 minutes waving at each other trying to get someone else to go first so they don't have to.
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