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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. I love you Dad and I miss you very much. You were a great man, the one and only man in my mothers life for over 50 years. My brothers and I could not have asked for a better father. Thank you very much, you will always be missed.



    If you have lost your father and would like to share, please add to the thread.

  2. Might need to make it where it sits a little higher. What did you make the mount out of? Video looks good though!

    Started out like one of these:


    Modified it like this:


    So that I could use my Lumix to record:


    That didn't work, camera was too heavy and shook too much. So I cut the top of a Tylenol bottle off, which happened to be the same dia. as the round mounting base from my previous attempt. Once I was happy on the height, I plastic epoxied it. Painted it with the worst quality of black paint imaginable and slapped some velcro on it. Made with nothing but junk I had laying around the house.

  3. Unless I sit around and wait for his parents to pick him up (a 2.5 hour window) I have no way of contacting them. I'll talk to the camp counsellor again tonight and see if anythign was actually done. If not, then I'll go to the person in charge of the camp.

    Yeah, this is definitely your best option. You can't control the rights and wrongs being taught to the other kids by their parents but you can do everything within your means to insure the wrongs are not affecting your own children. I know from my own experiences with dealing with problems with my children at the daycare center, you always have to do follow ups because the workers don't want to do more than they have to and just want to act concerned for the moment, until you leave, then just blow you off and hope you forget about it. Go over their heads if need be.

  4. It's just a cheap $40 #11 HD Key Cam, you can find all the info you need on them here, http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1362692

    I used PowerDirector video editing software to enhance it a little.

    Here's a picture of it with my tank mount I slapped together with junk.


    I like the video, smashed bug above the tach was a little distracting.

    Yeah, the damn bug hit the screen right after I started recording. You can actually see it hit in the beginning.

  5. Nothing special, just some footage from the other day riding on 83 and 93 trying out a new camera.

    A few traffic violations, a couple bad judgments and even though I was speeding, an ass-hole pulling out in front of me because they were desperate to get around a truck pulling a trailer. Damn bitches!

    I tried to cut out all the crap and this is only my second attempt at video editing, so be gentle.


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