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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. Ok, ok, I'll play! SUV does not stop behind the solid white line, ensuring there are no pedestrians crossing before proceeding forward to obtain a clearer view of oncoming traffic. Once pulled out onto new road, immediately jumps to the middle lane instead of far right lane and then when clear, merge into the middle lane.

    Did I win and what's my prize?!

  2. Well, due to not wanting to take a chance of stinkin up the yard, we took the pinko way out and covered the cage and opened the lid.....but I almost shot him in the face just to piss you beetches off. :D

    Good job! Now stop by Sara's, not Sarah's. I hear she needs some help!

  3. This blows. When I hit 255/260 last year it wasnt in that kind of shape. I don't remember 78 being in that condition either. I would'nt have suggested this route had I known it was that bad.

    I guess when I get home in an hour I need to come up with something else.

    I don't know, I road all those roads last weekend and don't remember any gravel, and I road em hard and put em away wet. Must have happened within the last week. That sucks to hear cause I had a blast on them last weekend.

  4. Alright, I'll tag along. Will be at the Fuel Mart at 10:30. You guys gonna stop or should I just join two random riders going south?

    You ever just do that when you're out riding? See a couple of riders and just start riding with them. I do sometimes, just wondering if anyone else does. In my pathetic thing called life, that seems to be the only way I get to ride with others. :cry::violin:

  5. Not sure if this belongs here but I saw this on another board and thought it was interesting.



    Basically he had a gun in the passenger's bookbag. The exhaust melted the bag, it caught on fire, they pulled over and got off the bike. Then the gun fired while still in the bag and shot the tire!




    There's a noticeable dent in the wheel, and obviously the bullet was still inside when we changed the tire.

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