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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. Man that sucks hope for a speedy recovery that really sucks, I had surgury last year after a wreck I know the feeling man. You get your bike back ok

    No, haven't gotten the bike yet. My brothers are going to get it tomorrow. Hopefully it's still there.

    I can't say enough about all the help I got from you guys and the other people that stopped. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart ( I know, gay).

    And Hailwood, you are awesome man. You followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed to make sure I was good. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I will always be grateful and if you ever need anything, man, you let me know.

  2. Hey guys, just want to try to give you a little update. I'm so drugged up I don't know if this will make sense. Not going to get into the crash right now cause I can't think straight. I did catch it on video, so I'll post that later.

    Anyway, dislocated left elbow, shattered the end of one of the two bones in lower arm, right where it connects to the elbow. It's in three big pieces and a bunch of little pieces. Also broke my left thumb. Doc reset my elbow yesterday and I saw a specialist today and will have surgery tomorrow or Wed, to put the bone back together. Unfortunately, doc is saying it might be too damaged and may have to put a prosthetic in there. Or something like that. It's hard for me to concentrate and think straight. They have me on Percocet and I've never taken it before but it's got me fucked up.

  3. Agreed - the story references the doctors estimating the baby's size prior to a scheduled c-section.

    Oh ok, I went back and reread it. Didn't recall that the first time but definitely makes sense now. I do agree though, I bet she was a big woman to begin with.

    I hear both parents are extremely happy and mom is looking forward to pushing daddy and the baby in the stroller.


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