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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Just got to Groveport Shell station, be leaving here in about 10min
  2. Just got to the Shell station in Springfield. Peeling out of here in 20min
  3. I honestly have no clue where the main fuel stop would be for the ride, but I was planning on stopping my group just inside Marietta since it's about the halfway point
  4. Wife and I are suiting up to go anyway. We'll stick to the route we intended with the 2 stops on our way there, just in case anyone else wants to join us. We plan to be at the boat ramp about 1030ish.
  5. Wife and I are suiting up to go anyway. We'll stick to the route we intended with the 2 stops on our way there, just in case anyone else wants to join us. We plan to be at the boat ramp about 1030ish.
  6. Wife and I are still in possibly, but we'll see what the concensus is in the morning
  7. Meh, 50/50 shot with pm storms. If we do get a little wet, no biggie....
  8. popo or not.....welcome to the forum. Post up pics of the K13!
  9. Helmutt


    Welcome to the forum. If you're free to ride tomorrow, here's where you can meet up with quite a few of us regulars here.
  10. Day after tomorrow is it folks, so if you're planning on meeting us at either of these 2 stops but haven't chimed in here to let us know who to expect, ya best be on time....we need to be punctual on departure times to make McConnelsville on time. Hope to see a good turnout, route looks fun and weather should be promising.
  11. @DerekClouser, as usual the wife & I will lead/sweep a medium group. Not sure how long we will be able to hang after the ride, but as of right now we do plan to eat/donate to the cookout afterwards
  12. Done deal. If that's all it adds to the trek, it's worth getting off the slab for
  13. The wife and I likely cant make the rain date, so if it gets moved to Sunday ya'll be fending for yourselves. If it gets rescheduled all together, we may be back in
  14. Boooo.....BUT, it IS Ohio so it could improve by then.....or a blizzard may move in
  15. I'm going to plan a NKY route ride sometime in the next couple months, I'll let you know once it's posted up
  16. According to Garmin, I-70 east to Zanesville then due south to McConnelsville is the quickest route. This is the furthest gathering point we've had, so I'm planning to take the fastest way there
  17. @StrangeKnight - decent deal to be had here
  18. I recently bought a Zumo660LM because my old gps setup wasn't very user friendly. Had a Nuvi40LM in a Motech weatherproof nav pouch, but I could barely see it during the day ( Zumo is MUCH brighter ) and since it didn't Bluetooth to my Sena ( Zumo is bluetooth equipped ) it left me hanging on when/where to turn next. Haven't mounted my Zumo yet, but will be using this RAM mount setup I installed for the original setup....just wont need the nav pouch since the Zumo is waterproof, so it will give me a bit more room to see the indicator lamps above my clocks
  19. Probably go further on a tank of fuel and be easier to toss around than the 1200, but is it comfy enough to endure all day for a few days straight?
  20. Wife and I will likely roll this same route again this year. Anyone is welcome to join us! I always run a fairly standard medium pace
  21. This is VERY similar to the route that @JustinNck1 @snot and I took last year, except we ran 28 south of Highlands to War Woman to 75 to 180 to 19. Think @Isaac's Papa sent me the route. Anyway, it was about a 12hr day in all.....would've been back to Fontana quicker but I had to live up to my "wrong turn" nickname, so there were a few unexpected detours.....and maybe several miles of paved goat path ( ie beat-to-shit asphalt sidewalk ) that was what we though to be JoyceKilmer.....uh, IT WAS NOT. Recently got my new Zumo, so I'm hoping to lose my nickname soon
  22. Helmutt

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