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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Helmutt

    New Guy

    Welcome to the forum
  2. Helmutt

    Smallest 9mm?

    My cheap carry is a PT111-G2 and is fairly small framed for being a 13 shot 9mm, but as big as I am it's easier to conceal bigger guns. My first was an XDM40, but only really concealable ( for me ) canted mid/back, and not the best choice for average sized carriers. My wife's LC9 is a bit slimmer than the PT, but relatively the same overall size. What I do like about the LC9 is the weapon is rounded at most every edge, so there's little chance of it getting hung up on clothing or cutting into you if your holster doesn't have a tall back.
  3. Most modern day japanese streetbikes ( even with an upfitted aftermarket exhaust on a street tune ) should be fine running 89 mid grade. Unless it's euro ( like both mine ), then the factory tune likely demands 91+ octane. I recall a conversation I had with Brock Davidson ( Brocks Performance ) years ago...and if memory serves, he said he tunes all streetbikes he works on to run mid grade 89 octane. After a lot of dyno/fuel testing, he said they've found that 89 octane has the best atomization rates in injected systems, so for street use that's their go to.
  4. It's a 625 SMC. I plan to gear the bike, but ( without checking ) I believe it's currently 16/40. If there's room at the output shaft, I'd like to try and get it to 17/38. With it's current ratios, it should break 105 now ( maybe not with my 280 pounds on it ) but the gearing change would help ensure it's not going to be flat out the entire backstraight. I knew I'd be staying out of the raceline on the straights, and already planned to hug the inside coping at T1/T4/T11/T15 so I'm easier to pass off the exits. I'll ride as predictable as possible and hold my lines. Dont want to burn the bike up, just there to have some fun. I've hardly ridden it outside of cart tracks, other than infrequent jaunts around my local backroads or at MidO's vintage days, but I've always ridden it motard style when I have had it out. Like I said, I'm probably overthinking this since it's Novice group ruling, so I'll be held up in the corners and getting blitzed on the straights. I'll get some tank pads on it for some grip and try working with sport bp to help feel it out a bit beforehand.
  5. Could we not use the empty lot next to the Malta BP gas stop ( 449 N. Main St. Malta, Oh 43758 ) that we frequent on most Epic rides? We've had the majority of us there at one time for well over an hour in years prior, and has never been an issue - and it's only a few blocks from RT78
  6. No worries. I wouldn't let it cancel our ride, just would affect the outcome afterwards. Further from home we get, the less time we have to mingle
  7. 50 more miles vs Logan, and 30 more miles vs New Concord. Beverly makes it a solid 3 hour stretch from western ohio, which isn't a deal breaker in my opinion since we stop every hour or so to meetup with sub groups/riders anyway.....but the ride home would suck that much more. If we end up meeting in Beverly, then the wife and I ( and possibly other westerners ) probably wont stick around after the ride
  8. Just habit when I've got the bike leaned over to keep my leg out should it lowside. You're probably right about not needing to, but I've got a feeling CR's may not dig the way I'd be riding it. Maybe I'm just overcooking the whole idea, but I guess I can just roll the dice riding how I like until there's an issue?
  9. Planning to take my KTM to MidO this year since I've traded off my ninja. I'm a novice rider with a few roadcourse trackdays, and several cart trackdays under my belt, but not fast by any means....so I wont be jumping up to "I" anytime soon. That being said, I know novice instructors only teach sportbike body position ( lean inside, knee down ) but I truly prefer to ride my supermoto in motard/dirt fashion ( upright bp, inside leg out ). Anyone forsee this being a problem? Is motard style even a good idea there with the size/speeds of the track, or will they make me commit to conventional body position? I'm not a complete noob, but if they're going to make me ride sport style, I'll definitely need some tank grip pads and practice at it in advance with this bike - just feels so alien to me on it, vs a sportbike. Just my dirt roots protesting I guess. Any insight? Advice?
  10. Cabin#927 is ours. Reservation is made, deposit is paid, and we're ready for a dragon raid
  11. Wife and I are booking one of the little willows cabin....so if the group stays in the same block as last year, we'll only have to walk half as far as last year....meaning I should only fall down half as much as last year :D
  12. NCM trackdays were upwards of $250/day a couple seasons ago. Not sure what org hosted at that price though. Any cheaper lately?
  13. http://www.cyclevin.com/ I've used this site and nicb.org just last month, and while they did prove the bike I was checking wasn't stolen/theft recovery.....both failed to show that there was an existing lein against it. I got the most thorough information via Ohio's Title and Vehicle Information Services.....and the best part is that check was free over the phone. Just FYI for anyone looking into used bike vin checks AND want to be sure it's going to be a clean deal.
  14. Helmutt

    So long 2016

    Congrats man. Will probably be nice to be able to keep telecommuting as well
  15. There's some old, decrepit, gang tagged, industrial buildings in east Dayton.....but I honestly cant advise you go there.....pretty rough part of town. I'm not all that knowledgeable of all that's in Dayton though since I'm 30 minutes north of it. Maybe some locals can chime in with better input
  16. There's the Main St Church of Christ on the corner of 4th and Main. Looks to have a few decent lots around it. Could treat it like the New Concord meet spot and offer them a decent donation to borrow the parking lot for the day? This would obviously pose a problem should we move to the rain date though
  17. I think this is one of the best bets. There's probably only a few trailers to consider, and we can smash bikes 6 to a parking spot in most cases. We'd honestly only hog up maybe half of that lot. I didn't even realize there wasn't a start/stop lot to congregate on the route until now
  18. This was a failing attempt at a joke. I know of the Snake, and have ridden the Dragon....but chasing the dragon is a COMPLETELY different type of adventure sir
  19. Looks awesome. Where's it at on the Scoville scale? Anytime I see/hear ghost pepper, my anus clenches up
  20. Hehehe. From what I understand, you might just see dragons
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