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Posts posted by snot

  1. Hahafzr will prolly want to ride down w us also.....my number is . ...just text me up and we could figure out the details....i left at 0830 last year and had plenty of time to eat and socialize b4 the ride.

    Could all meet at competition acc. like 2 years ago. We could all meet and kickstands up by 8:00.

  2. I'd stop and help. But then again, I don't usually do 100 anywhere - if that's even what happened in this instance.

    I don't ride that fast on the street either. My point is, some people flee not because they are scared but because it is instinct.

    Personally I am not the fleeing type, and since I don't ride at speeds that will send me to jail. I have nothing to fear and would stop. I don't think any of the group rides are an issue for someone not helping.

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  3. I feel sorry for any man that has to have "a holiday" to get a steak and a blowjob from his wife...I'm just sayin...

    This maybe true. Just like Valentines or sweetest day a woman wants to be thought of for more than a Holiday. But, if he is willing who am I to say no, I will except the fact I am thought of. So, I doubt he would say no if on a Holiday I fill his belly with meat after I drain his. ;) just my .02.

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