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Posts posted by snot

  1. Tomorrow marks my 1 month point of being smoke free.   Planning to cardio up myself.  I don't believe the track tech's would dig me wearing my leather around the track unzipped with my gut out flailing freely.  This year is all about self improvement

    I know how we can both improve cardio :D 


    We can start by working on the basement ;)


    My goal is endurance racing in 2 years.

  2. Why not use a pencil or record the conversation with your phone then play it back instead of pens. You could place different brands/types in the freezer to test too.

    I keep a blanket in my car this could help in your case too. You never know if someone else might need it. Even though I do not plan on walking miles in the cold, I always dress as if I am. Again, never know when you will have to. I remove layers once I get to my destination if necessary.

  3. Yes. And two rain date threads. Four threads in all, seven pages each at least and no definitive date for any of it.

    Cdub is in charge of the threads;) this started as a are we going to have and developed into planning. Without Doc to lead the plan we are a little lost. I am in Dayton and have a limited schedule so, planning is not ideal for me. My choice is May 10th and Sept 27th. Route same as last year stands up by 11. But not only my choice...

  4. Watched Air Force Once fly over the backyard for his visit to Nashville...he's speaking about a mile down the street from me.I don't care for Obama or his policies, but it's neat to see the plane and have him and the motorcade so close by.Sent while riding

    My uncle is one of the motorcade in Dayton, Cincy and at the inauguration in Washington DC. He is not a supporter but loves the job. He was one of the few who also escorted the Pope in Dayton a few years back.

  5. Walmart by me was sold out of all 9mm again, with the exception of a ammo can of turkish bulk ammo. Price? $495 for 1200 rounds, ouch thats pricey for unknown ammo...

    I was at OLDE ENGLISH a couple of weeks ago and they had 2 skids. Think the price was around 24.00 for 50 rounds.

  6. Any reason you need in? If you are not feeding pets just pick up the mail and walk around the house. Any other family members with a spate key?

    I locked myself out several times, once with Jason too.

    Once was a few years ago in the middle of winter. The cat had to pee so I went out with her and I locked the door out of habit. Keys, phone and coat in the house neighbors at work. Waited 2 hrs for Jason to come home I used the grill to light the mail and made a fire in the pit.

  7. I would HIGHLY suggest not doing more than 2 of these. 1 in Spring and 1 in fall. Making anymore than that takes the special event out of it. Plus good luck finding enough of the right people to properly organize and run it

    Agree... this was what I was thinking too. Also keep in mind the racing season.

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