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Posts posted by snot

  1. Oh my, a cabin in the woods with a hot tub! Yep, its an OR event. Hellmutt and I are Med. Group.

    I almost prefer fall due to the road conditions seem better in the fall. Also, it gives riders a chance to blow the dust off their gear and bike.

  2. Having issues uploading but I think last years was good. Just take 668 back to the start.



  3. If I lived closer I would help out. My suggestion would be same meet place as last year and Mid May or mid October (after all the racing). Either way we will try to be there. Need someone or a group of people to take charge.

  4. Wow...

    Some of the best times I have ever had was at the track. Watching the races is what inspired me to get on the track. Every time I see a race I feel the urge to do another track day. I am grateful we still have mid Ohio. Honestly, I fear what this will do not just to the sport but to the motorcycle industry. My inspiration is from watching the races in person and on TV. I really hope this is not the death of AMA Superbike.

    I now have a new goal, endurance racing :).

  5. Bullshit. Just as the firefighter requirements. If a woman can't lift the same as a man, she shouldn't be fighting fires. It's not a politically correct issue.. it's a safety issue.

    I agree, if I want a mans job I better be stronger, faster and better. I don't want someone who is paid to protect me weak and under qualified. Safety before politics and ego.

  6. I am surprised more could not do them. I my early 20s I could do 15 easy. Now not so much. However, I am a firm believer you should be able to lift your own body weight. You never know, there could be a time you will need to.

    Since I switched jobs it is one of goals to be able to do at least 10 again.

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