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Posts posted by snot

  1. I volunteer with HFH. This red cross profit issue came up. The issue last year was more an office issue. I don't know the details but its not the organization its the people that can make it good or bad. They try to correct the bad. But like everything else you only here the negative never the good.

  2. I'm out as well. Stuck pulling night shift so my old ass definitely won't be up until after lunchtime, and we've got plans Sunday :mad:

    So your out? You didn't say we so do I still get the out of kitchen pass?

    I know I cant you need sammiches Saturday :(

    Next year we will be there unless we are at the track ;)

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  3. I have been bruise, almost passed out twice, and completely drained. I will still do it, I will heal the person receiving it may not. I learned to drink a ton of water a week before and after to help with most of my issues. There are to many people in my life that was saved because someone donated. Every blood center is different some call some don't.

  4. Our instructers did work with us one on one in the afternoon. I lost my line and my instructor got in front of me and tapped the tail for me to follow. He got me back to my line and around the track on a couple of occasions. I was impressed how much they actually watched us and helped.

    My bike will need raised back up next time. I was surprised the stock tires did so well too.

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