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Posts posted by snot

  1. No I don't believe the cop is right. I do think he has his reasons and doubt they are good. He probably does this all the time and final was caught because she got hurt. He should pay for his crime.

    At some point most people break the law usually its speeding.

  2. I had no idea of my size since i am so short. No one sells patote size, however I now know my size in Taichi. I will pay the extra for new because I plan on wearing it a lot. It would be nice if some of these places had samples to at least give you an idea. There is a market it is not large but it is growing.

  3. I will add the pony Does NOT carry leathers for women. As a matter of fact no one in Dayton does either. It would be nice to at least have something to try on even if it was a floor model only. At least you would know what to order.

    I know this is a little off topic


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