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Posts posted by snot

  1. it's the new fad. basically get rid of the older workers who make too much and bring in all the kids who don't know better and are willing to work at 1/4 of the rate they're worth.

    it's happening everywhere.

    I hope that 5/3 has to make some cuts too. I hope they pissed off enough other people and they closed their checking accounts also when they put an $11 fee to them. they make god damn good money off the interest of my money in their fucking bank, I'm not about to give them another $132 a year.

    they can suck my dick. I had that account since 1997 and it's always been free.

    Same with 5/3 I switched to a credit Union.

    Hiring @ 1/4 of pay. Well my shop has learned they get 1/4 of the work. Kids (18-25) are to busy playing on phones and to much online drama. Not all but most.

  2. Since this is my second post I'd like to get an idea of the sort of people that roam the forum.

    Is this a can-am ghey backwards three wheeler, "I really thought spraying myself with Axe would get me chicks" type of place?

    I must admit that two thoughts go through my head when I see one going down the road. First thought...doucher. Second is why can't I ride a four wheeler down the road?

    I can't say a lot... I don't have a bike yet. But when I find the one I want it won't have permanent training wheels bolted to it. You might as well wear a shirt saying that your wife carries your nuggets in her purse.

    Wait until winter ;)

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