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Posts posted by snot

  1. Can someone post a screenshot of the home page so I can see what it's supposed to look like because what I see sucks?

    It's bright white and pale blue with even lighter blue borders. I'm not computer savy so it takes a while to get things adjusted.

    Sounds like the mobile mode. There should be a place at the bottom of the screen that is for full view.

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  2. It seems like this is everywhere all of a sudden. Instead of "You're welcome", people are throwing out "No problem" when I say "Thank you". Even professionals whom I deal with.

    This is NOT the same as "you're welcome". Its more of a brush-off comment which trivializes the whole exchange.

    "No problem? Really? Are you SURE? Because if it IS a problem, I REALLY want you to let me know. Seriously.".

    i usually say "your welcome" but sometimes i do say "anytime".

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