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Posts posted by snot

  1. You need a doctor's note to say that your symptoms have been under control for 6 months, and that you can be relied upon to take your meds, to get an unrestricted license. You need to further renew each year with a doctor's note.

    So why couldn't this be done for other medical reasons and other privileges? Like a person losing there sanity (schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, etc.).

    Not saying I agree with doing this asking...

  2. MT I rode when it was in the 30s for the meet last year. You can do 50s, besides you need to run your tires down so you can get a new set for the gap.

  3. Welcome Dubie, there are quite a few on here from the Springfield area. I think we should all get together and make a route for the roads in the area. There are quite a few just nothing as epic as those where we rode this weekend.

    Good idea;)

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