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Posts posted by snot

  1. Vagina/pussy = female = weak/feeble/sensitive emotionally

    That's why I would imagine. No man wants to be called a girl and those happen to really drive that point home

    We shoot kids from there so it can't be to weak, all men can do is shoot liquids.

    men = sensitive/needy/weak

    Power= women= we have what you need/want...food/sex/respect and a forum you can't see ;)

    • Upvote 1
  2. And we talk about all the wonderful sammiches we can make. We share stories of house cleaning and how wonderful men are, and how to get the out of kitchen pass :D.

    the best thread is the one about how sexy it is to ride down the highway at 1.86 flapping your arms holding dollar bills for hookers and blow screaming dont say my name and it LBTS GLWS!:rolleyes:

    Seriously if you want to know have the surgery.

    • Upvote 2
  3. or those who dont like it can just stay out of those specific forums? Weird, its like we're only allowed to likre motorcycles :rolleyes:

    Not to mention the NWS section, or women's forum. what would red Barron do if we didn't have the nws? I bet over 1/2 would no longer lurk on here.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Dairy Queen has some secrets - tropical blizzard (not Hawaiian) pecans, coconut, banana.

    Flavored sodas - ice cream, topping, soda water -strawberry is my favorite

    Take a grill chicken deep fry then throw on the grill for a min each side, great sandwich.

  5. I have no bug up my ass about police like many here seem to, of course I have never been in a situation to make me feel otherwise. How am I being a pussy by trying to work with police "I have nothing to hide", and we for sure do not know everything about how this all went down. Just because the charges were dropped, doesn't necessarily mean the OC guy was right in how he handled this, the same also goes for the police. When respect is shown it is usually shown back, I just see this scenario as not being a big deal as far as complying with the officers request. Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility, especially when it is out in the open for everyone to see.

    ^^this is what my thoughts were as well. I believe there is a time and place, if you dont agree with what an officer is doing you can file a complaint. I just dont see the point in giving them a hard time when they can detain you (right or wrong they still can). you may win in the end but you could cause more un needed grief to yourself.

    again this is my .02. I will protect my rights but i will do it the right way by filing a complaint. i will not give the courts any reason to discredit me due to my actions.

  6. I don't care for what is on the radio. There is so much more talent in the underground, some of the main stream is OK.

    One of my favs for guitar and drum work is predetermine sky by unearth.

    I am a little bias but all the new Reefer Hut is awesome and really needs recorded.

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