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Everything posted by snot

  1. Congrats on the early delivery
  2. Good thing you had them on, could of been a lot worst.
  3. Can't wait to hear the whole story, I bet drugs and alcohol are involved.
  4. Awesome! My mom lives in hillsboro so I am down that way at least once a year.

  5. Awesome. We may see you there (hopefully your not working). There were a lot of crashes last year on Sunday.
  6. Are you working during the races in july?
  7. How did she get there? If she was out with friends you would think they would make sure she got home. All the times I have drank I always remembered where I lived.
  8. Did they add your position or did somebody else leave to open it up?
  9. Welcome back. Sorry for your loss.
  10. In TN almost all the towns are a ville or boro...there are a few burgs too.
  11. Will do! I need to check out gaylord, I was there the yr before the flood. I would like to see it all fixed up.

  12. Considering I do laundry....not something I want to find either
  13. do you get free track time on your days off?
  14. I was down your way a few weeks ago. Sucked 24 was closed through nashville!

  15. You would rather pepper spray? I thought you would try anything, once?
  16. I noticed when I ride to work and home I am less stressed. I don't think about work when I ride or, anything else for that matter. I just enjoy the way I feel when I am riding...
  17. snot


    Thankfully there is a women only section, so we don't have to watch ours
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