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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot


    Welcome...take the msf course then decide if its what you want. They supply the bike and its only $25. The men do have great advice too....
  2. Thanks! she knows I feel this way, I am very proud of her and she even volunteers to help with community service
  3. 2 for 1.... I need a OR sticker and a "look out" sticker. Also could use a hot pink Ninja 250R sticker...hint hint.
  4. We have a 14 yr old girl. I can take her anywhere without fear of how she will act.
  5. snot


    Welcome to OR
  6. I have no issues with mine. I agree you should contact dealer if it continues. Also check out http://www.ninjette.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15025&highlight=backfire
  7. I make the kids (mine and friends) say please, thank you and have patience. I don't blame technology, if used correctly its a great tool. Its the parents not teaching the kids.
  8. It was a short way of saying...not showing which site you are representing. Not sure about AFJ but OR has stickers to promote the site. As far as what planet I am on....not sure but everything goes my way and everyone know exactly what I am thinking....
  9. Need an epic thread section
  10. Thanks.. I was just wondering why some one would post they would put some one or group in to the wall on a public forum.
  11. Can a rider have some one banned from a track, if there is proof they are threating to put riders in the wall?
  12. Hope it wasn't the easter bunny... I would look for a repellant, if they make one for owls
  13. Don't leave the dog out by itself. Edit: Found the issue...
  14. nice find. I don't know anyone who has had suck luck with gear for such a great price.
  15. I think a few people have been trying to tell him this.
  16. Madcat don't waste your time. If you like people on both don't let this change your judgement. There is a lot of emotions and venting. I say let it go..
  17. This wasn't about AFJ it wasn't about other riders it was about 1 person wanting to sell stuff and was told he could not be a sponser due to trust issues. The solution was be cool and when some one ask for a product and where to buy to step up then and offer to sell them a product by PM. Instead we have all this....time would of passed and ben may have allowed him to advertise, but now it will be never. You could still do the PM gixxie but I doubt you will have a positive turn out.
  18. if everyone showed for the ride with out colors we would all get along not knowing who was who. We all love to ride and a group that big could do so much good for the motorcycle scene...to bad a few people crossed the line and caused all this.
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