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Posts posted by snot

  1. Hoops club just like many others also stereotype...not every lady can join to help what they are supporting. If you are doing something for cherity all should be welcome, not just cruiser type bikes or bikes over 500cc. For that matter for cherity even men should be able to ride. You can have a club and Sponser an event without all the requirements of the club. To come on a forum with all kinds and state you can only join if you meet certain requiretment and expect a positive response is asking to much. She could of simply intro herself and later when she had an event invite everyone to help and then try to gain members from the women who showed on 500CC+ cruisers. Just an opinion I do not intend on offending anyone

  2. Sometimes when batteries are tested it show good, but when a load is put on them they fail. Corrsion has to be completely removed or it will reform. As far as the smell, a lot of batteries will smell while charging I would check the acid/water level. I would check all the connections to make sure you have good contact.

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