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Posts posted by snot

  1. casper always seems to keep his cool. As much as some bash him I am surprised at how well he remains calm and very professional regardless of how others act. He could of banned gix along time a go and still has not. He keeps giving people more chances than they deserve. Thank you for watching out for us and not alowing this guy to advertise. I would never buy a product or service from some one who is not trusted here. I respect the opinons of the other members here especially casper!

  2. You had a chance to grow your customer base and instead chose to shorten it. If I was trying to be successful in sales I would never bash anyone on the internet or anywhere else where potental suppliers could see it. I wouldn't want my product on the shelves of a company that has a lack of respect for consumers.

  3. btw gixxie I do believe there are more than 5 on here who are friends. And I don't think they will cross a street to avoid you. I can't believe you want to win more customers here and continue to bash us on your forum.

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  4. I am very Greatful of casper for starting this site. I support this site and it members and agree its time for you to go! The OR members would do anything to help another out. They support each other and will back each other.I would recommend to anyone wanting to talk shit about the members on here to keep there mouth shut. I will never buy anything from you or recommend anyone else. I would rather walk 1 0miles and pay an extra 100 then buy anything from some one who has no respect for others. Casper was giving you a chance I would not count on that ever happening again. My 2 cents

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