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Posts posted by snot

  1. Yep the age old question..... want some candy little girl?

    It was really stupid...ask me for cigarette. Tried to grab me when I went to hand it to him. It was in a church parking lot of all things (st. Peter in h.h.). He had to park his car run down a hill to catch up to me, if there wouldn't of been a fence between us it could of been very different. My mom also learned a lesson, I got home tried to tell her but she had friends over and said not now. I told my BF who told the school, police and detective showed up at my house.I was to scared to id the guy and I wasn't 100% on what he looked like. A girl was raped on the street next to mine a week after this had happened.I was 14.

  2. Why does it have to be a friendly way?

    Eye for an eye.

    His execution will cost about $3.00. 4 .30-06 rounds and one blank.

    ^I feel the same... only problem is the guy who has to pull the trigger, some can't handle it. So I always like the idea of firing squad that way no one knows who did the kill shot.

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