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Posts posted by snot

  1. I'm looking at a bike (Suzuki Intruder VS800) in Dayton this weekend and if it's as good as it seems I'll probably be making the purchase.

    Only problem is I have a Mustang and no way I'm riding in this cold ass weather!

    Is it possible to get a U-Haul and put the bike in it? Or maybe I could rent a pickup truck with a hitch and use one of those small trailers?

    What's the best way to move a bike when you only have a car?

    When I brought my intruder home from TN we used a 08 tacoma and just stuck it in the bed (tied down).

  2. WOW fail on there part. Or maybe it was a inside job. The two ranges I shoot at have somewhere around 25-30 cameras in the shop that you can see. It would be impossible to not be seen by one of them. What the heck did they use to make that hole and not get noticed?

    My thoughts as well...inside job.

  3. I agree with the fact you only see the last few min. Of every situation. I know to many times cops are made to look bad and yes some are. The majority are not bad and are doing there jobs by 1. Protecting themselves and 2 protecting others. I have no fear of cops and I do not give them a hard time. Follow the laws have no fear break the law and you better do as you are told. I have heard of officers dying because they were not agressive enough.

    I know not all are good. they don't show the good cops saving some ones life or helping those in need. The only videos you find are the few bad ones that have been edited.

    Sorry if offened anyone. This is just how I feel.

  4. I use to take my old car to a shop and everytime they messed something up. The first time they forgot to tighten my lug nuts, then it was they forgot to hook up my ebrake cable, after about 3 xs I stopped going. Everyone else I know that goes there has great service and no issues. I did complain everytime and they did make it right with me.

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