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Posts posted by snot

  1. According to Google' date=' only 1 child per 12 attend Christian schools. Based on these numbers, I don't think we can blame theological schools on our current problem. It's deeper than that. Lazy parents. Lazy teachers. Piss-poor attempt at government oversight. (read: controls funds, but lacks any positive influence)[/quote']

    I agree with this...my parents made me do my home work. Even in high school I worked and still had to do my home work and chores before bed. I had a few teachers that did care and I learned so much from them.

  2. Called LYT. We will be on the dinning room side not the bar side....did this for those with kids but I can change it. I will need at round about number I told them 30 for now...I hope its a lot more. They said they shouldn't be to busy since it is on Sunday. They open at noon, for now I have it reserved under my name.

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