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Everything posted by snot

  1. there are more than double views to this thread than "clicks". I don't quite understand how this works, OR should have a lot more (I would of thought).
  2. Is she offened because that is how people see her? Or how she sees herself? Maybe a jackass would be better!
  3. You can always drive for the meet and greet..
  4. How could they prove who was driving for four weeks unless they do follow them, GPS just shows where the car was.
  5. Food was good there yesterday, they have lots of room on the dinning side and lots of parking. We will be there unless there is a ton of snow and ice...we will drive if we can't ride.
  6. Pretty sure I have seen this here before...but still really cool
  7. Its easier to decrease than increase...so I figured why not bump it up for now.
  8. I am going by there tonight, I will bump the head count to 50 since we are already past 30....
  9. Welcome. I work in huber and live in piqua. There is a dayton meet and greet coming up in march, that would be a good place to meet some of the riders in your area
  10. I would of thought OR would of had more by now.
  11. 7/137 I think it takes a day or so to show additional "clicks".
  12. Called LYT. We will be on the dinning room side not the bar side....did this for those with kids but I can change it. I will need at round about number I told them 30 for now...I hope its a lot more. They said they shouldn't be to busy since it is on Sunday. They open at noon, for now I have it reserved under my name.
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