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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot

    tank pad

    Added the site to ny favs.
  2. snot

    6" stretch

    Drool....I love your bike it is so beautiful!
  3. I would of thought OSHA would of been more involved with safety on such alarge project. Should of used Inconel instead of just steel. The rivets could of been the wrong length too.
  4. I thought it looked like a midget, but yes doesn't look like it fits in.
  5. I had am email from them saying jan. 31st. Guess I should of looked closer.
  6. I know its early but I ordered our tickets $10 off till 31st of Jan. Who else is planning on going this year? Not sure where we are staying yet.
  7. Looks like there is about 40 so far!
  8. If there is jello in the tub it may be "somebodys" lost brother....
  9. I am a huge Carlin fan! He always made me laugh.
  10. Good deal, to bad its not the 250r. 799 for a full system for my bike
  11. Google George carlin near miss~pot shrinks tumors
  12. Rip....I would of thought there would be safety device to keep this from happening.
  13. George carlin stated some thing simular... Sent from a peson on a device
  14. My mother is Joy...like the dish soap. My brothers middle name is waldo.
  15. Its Kale like the veggy. Timber is my ex step daughters 1/2 sister...her lame is lacy. But her step dad 1/2 brother and step mom is Terry! Friend at work grand daughter is Eva.
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