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Everything posted by snot

  1. My first was a .38 special. I like mine too but I really like my .40! There is a nice indoor range in vandalia price isn't bad but stay away from the reloads. I had a few bad ones and they said it wasn't the first time that week! Also I heard hubers range has a new owner, but I haven't been there since I was a kid. Was a nice outdoor range.
  2. snot

    I'm Engaged!

    Your a cute couple! Congrats I wish you both the best...
  3. I feel bad for all of you who have had to deal with this, I will keep all of u in my prayers.. I know its really hard on the relationship as well. I know several couples who relationships never recovered. The best thing is to be there for your friends and sometimes just a ear or shoulder is best.
  4. We watched graphic movies in nursing class. We are considering graphic training videos at work as well since we just had some one cut through the bone of there pinky with a band saw. Some times its the only way to get a point across. Glad I watched it now I under stand why stay on the inside line in a corner. Rip to the ride. I hope this will save a life some day!
  5. Sounds like fun! Must add to my to do list!
  6. snot

    New to OH

    Thanks for the service and welcome!
  7. Night songs by cinderella For whom the bells toll by metalica Alice in hell by annihilator Over the edge by la guns
  8. Did you try miami county at honda? I went this time of year and none of the classes were full we had 2 no shows.
  9. Legal would be good but we would all be a lot fatter 2... my poor bike would sit due to my fat high ass.
  10. Before I started riding some one was showing me how to move there bike (in case I needed to in our garage) and dropped it! So I know how not to move it...I have had a few close calls my bike is very heavy (to me).
  11. snot

    UFC Rio

    Winners are already posted. Forest loses and silva wins in second round
  12. Just think if the govt started selling we wouldnt have a national debt anymore.... Need white castle for the fire!
  13. Check out the women only section

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