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Posts posted by snot

  1. Most of you had a coach named Chris, right?


    "Questions from the Ohio riders thread.

    The black flag means continue around the track at pace and pit in. Have a stop in hot pit at the start finish tower. Issues will be addressed.

    The debris flag pointed at you and flung over the shoulder means; raise hand, get offline, slow to speed safe to leave track surface, get out of impact zone, signal corner worker you are ok. 

    Red flag means; session is stopping, no passing, raise hand, slow to safe "freeway" speed and continue to pit in. The exception to this is if you miss all 3 checker flag stations. :\ They will red flag you on the front straight to pit in at the exit of hot pit. They will only do this if there is only 1 rider on the track. If multiple riders take a victory lap, they allow them to continue based on their space apart.

    Safety trumps ALL!"

    Mon. - Coached N group (the guys pictured in the linked thread) and above. They were a great group and stuck with me the entire day. Made amazing progress throughout the day. I believe I had just as much fun coaching and riding with them as they did riding and having a good time throughout the day. My bike was still down waiting on fork parts, so another buddy saves my day buy allowing me to ride his B bike. Gixxer 750. That is why I am not on my r6 in the photos. Bike problems aside, it was one of the most fun days I have had coaching. You just can't beat good groups of riders that embrace the "school" part of the day, take the time to learn and apply new skills to make them better and SAFER riders. Props to them....

    Awesome bullsh*t session at garage 26 until 2am! Finally hit the sack after that.

    Oh! Ran outta gas on the 750! lol! Hauled to paddock by safety, trip #1. I blame riding during an eclipse. rolleyes.gif"


  2. 21 hours ago, Scorpion-Ninja said:

    Is most folks burnt out on this event? Seems that way... I look forward to this 1-2 a year. (if I can make it). I plan on attending this next one. I'll be trying to bring some new michigan friends down with me, but I likely will be SOLO as always lol :)

    Just a bad weekend for us. Piqua Bike fest, dad's birthday, friends birthday, and Hellmutt has to work.

    Late Sept works better for us in the fall. 

  3. We went to G & J today. Had fun and did pretty good. Hellmutt is at less than 50 sec lap times I am at under 60. I worked on my turns and shifting.

    Down side was I had an issue with the bike on the last lap (throttle stuck - could of been me and not the bike). Overloaded the front and washed out. No damage to the bike (just the stickers) and my boots and visor are trash. Slow speed wash out since I was slowing down.


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