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Posts posted by snot

  1. Thank you, I will keep you all posted on what I find out. 

    They were married 30 years and just had their anniversary. She also road motorcycles as a kid and had one until she got sick. Her and my dad road all over the US on his goldwing.

    He is having a rough time and I am trying to make it a little easier for him. 

  2. My Step-mom passed away Sunday. She had been sick off and on for a few years. My father and her have a survivorship deed, how does he Get the house transferred to just his name? He didn't get much for insurance and what he did get the burial and hospital will take most of it. So, he is trying to save as much as he can. 

    Any and all help would be appreciated.

    @redkow97 no sure if you can help, but you are the only lawyer I know of on here.

  3. 12 hours ago, ScubaCinci said:

    I haven't kept up with this thread but have you had your RMR measured? That will give you an idea of how many calories your body will burn a day if you did nothing and you can base your calorie count on that. 1200 calories is the bare minimum anyone should eat and sometimes eating too little has a counterproductive impact as your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto all the fat it can.

    At 5 foot 1200 is ok. I am now down just over 20lbs. Slowed down some, I have not been riding my bicycle much. School, work and stuff around the house has got in the way. 

    My RMR is about 1500. At goal weight is about 1450....

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  4. The media is the bigger issue....they report half truths and Obama was worst, just not reported like they do with Trump.

    No politician is honest and none of them are right all the time. They all make mistakes and you can't please everyone.

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