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Posts posted by snot

  1. On 4/26/2016 at 7:38 PM, o-no-moto said:

    I have several of you beat on that. Had a 35 pound 20,ton hydrologic jack with about 5.000 pounds on it pop out and smack me in my head above my right eye. Funny thing was i never got a headache. 

    That's because there was nothing to hurt...lol 

    Was the Jack ok?


    I heard about this, it was right after the pizza party for being safe, right?


    Glad you healed up and it wasn't worse. I actually used the story in a few training sessions lately.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 8 hours ago, ludwb675 said:

    Working on the bike last night. Bent over the bike to start taking off the back wheel. And WHAM, whacked my forehead off the rear bike stand hanging on the wall. Inch long gash and swollen up about the size of a golf ball. Saw stars for a few moments and about fell over. Still hurts to move my left eyebrow at all or to look up. 

    Wear a hard hat next time...

    Hope you heal fast. I learned a long time ago to pay attention to where my head is. I split my eyebrow hitting the snooze button once...

    • Upvote 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Gump said:

    Dudes never have a function like this where they loose their freaking minds and spends gobs of other peoples money on worthless crap.

    Never went to any school dances... I went straight to the parties... 

    I agree it is completely over priced.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, HeavyDuty said:

    If a woman is always right, and the man is always wrong .

    Then, if a man tells a woman that she is right.

    Is the man right or wrong?

    Depends on if they are in the kitchen.

    If she is in the kitchen then he is right, this is only possible because of the kitchen rule. If she is not in the kitchen and has a pass he is right. If he is in the kitchen it's plausible depending on the % of error. Now, if they are both out of the kitchen he is wrong, and she is wrong for not being in the kitchen, since 2 wrongs make a right she is still right.

    • Upvote 3
  5. On 4/6/2016 at 10:20 PM, Hellmutt said:

    These were great.  Wish I could post up a good trolling of my mom, but she sends me pages almost every text so by the time I'd have all the screenshots posted up, the server would crash.  Now my mom-in-law?  Yeah....I could troll that one....she texts like she's missing both thumbs and an eye

    Really?.... My dear sweet mom..

    On 4/6/2016 at 10:24 PM, Isaac's Papa said:

    ^^^ That was funny. 

    He is talking about my mother...

  6. The 300 Will be fine. The bike can do a lot more than you think. I know people who run 250s in Intermediate class. 

    Leather is best and you can wear under armor to help keep you cool. Hydrate well for several days before you go. Leather saved my skin in turn 8. 

    I suggest you watch a track day before you do one or go with someone who has done it before.


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