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Posts posted by snot

  1. We all know @RidersDiscount is the best. 

    But the level of service is beyond impressive. I commented in the "what do you need" thread. I recieved quote after quote, all great prices. Now for the impressive part....it was on a Saturday night. Mike wasn't even at work! He was delievering excellent customer service on on a Saturday night. Now I realize this won't happen all the time but wow...I never expected him to answer until Monday.

    Thank you Mike.

    Oh and our stuff is on its way!

    • Upvote 3
  2. My cat likes emery boads, sticks, balls she can carry (and place in shoes, windows) and boxes... Oh and she loves math. She lays on my homework but only math (trig was her favorite).

    But, I did spoil the hell out of her...she's more like a dog.

  3. 20 hours ago, Gump said:

    The asshole cat has now clawed to death by AR-15 soft case that was under the bed. I hate him. He targets anything nice and makes it crappy. 

    Put case in safe problem solved.

    Buy more toys for kitty

  4. 9 hours ago, Gump said:

    I don't beat the cat. It follows me everywhere. It's just a cat and cats are assholes.

    I have a cat and she is sweet. She will follow me everywhere but stays off of counters. I don't smell her butt so she only puts her face in my face.

    Maybe it's because I spoil her with toys and attention.


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