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Posts posted by snot

  1. The last time I stepped onto holy ground my legs caught fire. :eek:

    Are you sure it was your legs and fire? Could it of been your third leg and a rash from the girl the night before?

    Hookers and blow. Shocked you had to ask.

    Same payment as Rollnhot.. And most other guys.
    • Upvote 1
  2. You pay for the class and that is all. No court, it shows as a guilty plea to the ticket. No points are given, my insurance doesn't even show mine on record (2xs last yr). They are evening or Saturday classes, but it is only 2 hours, cost about 150-200.

  3. Every court is required to offer a class.

    Now, the class is 2 hours and cost more than the ticket. But, it will remove the points so,it is a no point ticket.

    Ask the court PRIOR TO THE COURT DATE, this must be paid for and enrolled prior to the court date.

    You can do this once per county every 12 months.

  4. My band opened up for mushroom head once.

    What band?

    I love mushroomhead. They are playing at oddbody's in Dayton this Friday.

    Hellmutt plays for The Reefer Hut.

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