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Posts posted by snot

  1. Salmon on the grill is my favorite.

    I enjoy fresh water walleye, blue gill, and crappie.

    Lobster, shrimp, anything in the water... Even oysters

  2. Welcome. I am north of Dayton in Piqua, I work in Huber (close to WPAFB). Nice bike!

    Oh and since you new I will tell you, I am a female rider as well.

    Check out the epic ride thread and see if you can make it.

  3. :)  I'm curious about the turnout.  If anyone goes, let us know!

    Sometimes ladies feel intimidated by guys (that they perceive to be more knowledgeable) hanging out correcting them... this is a nice idea.  Idk if those kinds of ladies are necessarily here on OR, but I know they exist!!

    I agree. It would be nice if they could have a clinic at all events. A lot of new riders could use the info too.

  4. All my dealings are in my car, I never get a warning. Pulled over by state and sheriffs, was told my car stands out. It's a four cylinder, but has RS 6.0 on the side (release series 6) it's a tC. Sad part, I am a girl and never can pull off the stupid girl thing.

  5. Are you coming to the epic ride in 3 weeks, If you still have her?

    GLWS, but I am with the rest on this. I enjoy your ride videos, and hope you change your mind.

    On the other hand I know you will be back in the saddle sooner vs later.

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