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Photos by Marty

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Posts posted by Photos by Marty

  1. Phil is recuperating at home!


    Three man team to get him home but we managed!  I drove Phil down to Lodi, Chad Haskew (Jace's old man) drove him to Mansfield and Jon Nicholas and their friend Lou drove him home from there.  Phil reached for his wallet for gas money and I would not and will not accept it.  There's a thread on MS and AFJ about a fund that was started up by one of Phil's sponsors.


    I love the teamwork that came together today and makes me appreciate the MS family even more.  I'll keep everyone updated as I get updates.

  2. Wait ..... Is Marissa,Marty's special friend?



    I think Marty is the special one.



    Get that girl an unbrella...LOL.  She was cute.


    As much as I wouldn't mind Marissa as my "special friend", she and I have a professional relationship.  If I ever tried crossing that line I would loose a number of things.  1.)  my wife, 2.) my ability to shoot with models ever again 3.) RESPECT from a number of people.  She was so sorry she was late, but she had some issues to deal with.  She did enjoy taking a few laps with Craig when the track opened up after the 40 ended and I'm sure Craig enjoyed it too.


    I'm sure I can get her join us again, but the poor girl works three jobs so it's difficult at times to even reach her.


    See you sluts at PIRC.

  3. When you get and email like this from a customer you know it's worth your time and effort.


    "Marty, just want to say thank you for taking the time to come out to the events and take photos of the events. that's something people can look back on and cherish for the rest of their lives. Thanks for being a part of it! Here is the payment for the CD. All the best!"


    And a second email from the same customer:

     "When I'm in my 60's, provided I make it that long then my kids and grand kids can see them and know grand dad was a bad ass. ;-)"


    So step right up and support your local starving photographers and make them feel loved. :D

  4. I liked this part and it's so true.


    It's not easy being a photographer.  You pay a vendor's fee, spend two days in the hot sun, shoot and sort a thousand images, then hope that people buy enough of them that you can cover your expenses and maybe even make a buck or two. 

    Support your local shooter.  Budget a few of your trackday dollars to keep him or her coming back.  Watch what happens when the eye behing that big hunk of glass begins to recognize you as someone who buys his work.  You won't be sorry.



    Me too,  K3 is cool.  He's said several times that people need to vote with their dollars when they want to keep a track photographer around.   Of course I agree.   :)

    Absolutely true.  if it wasn't for the regulars that order from me, I probably would ditch the track.

  5. Nice pics Marty and Joe!  

    Thanks man.  I had a photo shoot Tuesday night and at this point I'm so tired of looking at pics I am not touching the photoshoot until next week. 

  6. Well, life took a little change for us Friday night at 8:09pm, with the birth of our first son.  He was delivered at Grant via C Section, and weighed in at a good old fashion 8lb 6oz and 20 inches long.  All his tests were 8/9's so that was good to hear, and so far he seems very well mannered and healthy.  First Dr. apt is Friday and really want to get that reassurance from the Dr. after a week of being with us that he's strong and healthy.


    Since I am still semi retarded, I don't know how to post pics on here, and I am sure Grapesmuggler will read this, or Casper, or anyone with an IQ of more than 5 which is mine and can post pics from my FB.


    For those who we talked to about the little one, gave us any info, insight, or anything, we appreciate it.  Talking to Casper and CBRgirl at the July 4th party was a big help in regards to delivery at Grant and I have to admit, I highly recommend them.  


    Kid craps more than I ever thought possible, and eats just like I would if I were him, nonstop.  


    Mommy is doing well, and healing nicely, just wish she could get more sleep.  I am trying to do everything I can to help and get stuff done, but always feel helpless when the little guy starts screaming.


    Anyways, his name is Luke Daniel Mambourg, and he came out with a full head of black hair, which neither of us have, but I still think he is mine, mainly cuz he craps nonstop.   ;)


    Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

    When he's fussy, the quick three things to check diaper, hunger and just wants to be held.  I was Mr. Mom for 3 months with our first.  No wonder he's messed up!

  7. Get me some examples.  I know I always ask, but I am picky on the shots.  I was talking to Joe about getting shots in places most never do.  I hate the traditional spots where everyone usually takes them.  So, let me see whatcha got.  I know Joe was in the Bus Stop which should have made for some cool power out shots...

    here you go Brian: http://photos_by_marty.fototime.com/Moto%20Series/Putnam%20Park%20-%20August/Bike%2010

  8. Putnam Park images, though a collaborative effort with ElectricEye Images are coming along. Race images and Novice images are sorted and will slowly start to appear on the Photos By Marty LLC Fototime website for viewing and purchasing. Thank you for your patience.

  9. so, is joe helping you sort through all those pics?  i always wondered how a collaborative would work.  i know it's hard work taking pictures, but from what i understand, sorting and processing is by far the biggest project.  just curious.

    Nope, I'm taking on that task since then it's easier for me to upload them.


    Brian I was in 10 during your battle with Neyra.


    And for everyone's edification, if there's ever a shot or an angle you want, let me know.  I can't read minds and some of yours I definitely don't want to read!

  10. This is going to take a slightly longer time table to sort, post and send out CD's. With Joe helping me shoot I have nearly 70 gigs of images to go through! Please be patient as this will take quite some time and I have two other clients I am taking care of this week as well.

    Thank you.


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