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Photos by Marty

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Posts posted by Photos by Marty

  1. oooh, i'll see what size propane tank fits under the grill that i just ordered. i have a 20lb one i think but bigger is always bettar
    oh. good point. if you still have it by the weekend of the 18th, i can pick that up from you (assuming you're in cbus)

    Hey Jinu I'm "ordering" a steel 30#. Would you mind grabbing it for me when you're in Cbus and tracking it to the track for me?

  2. Marty, did you start a new fucking thread for this? WTF?! Mine wasn't good enough for you or what?

    J/K. Yes, Murse and I are all set to head out on Friday. Freakin pumped. Would be great to have a personal photographer there!

    I gotta really think about it. Nothing personal, just with my sudden status change to severely under-employed kind screed shit up.

  3. For hustler?
    photos full time?
    Weren't you pretty tired of that anyway, and considering finding something else? Or do I have you confused with another poster?

    It's (almost) never cool to be let go from a job, but many times it ends up being something better that you end up with. I hope you find your dream job!

    Something better will turn up... hopefully.
    that so sucks!

    Thanks guys, Yeah I was sick of the job for a while and had started to look. The game plan at this point is to find something part-time and work on getting the photo business up and running. Gonna spend time with the kids and try and take advantage of this "down time." at this point in theim. Thankfully my better half makes a good chunk of change so we'll be doing alright. Some belt tightening will happen, but we will be doing just fine.

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  4. So my advice, do something that makes you happy, don't wake up 10 years later and say "what the fuck happened to my life".

    Hit the nail on the head with that! I'm in that boat right now with the job I have (actually it feels more like a sentence nowadays). When I started 10 year ago it was great, but that last two have been hell! Been looking to get out of this job but the market here in Cleveland sucks!

    Moving not an option, but I'm in a different situation than the OP is in. My wife makes damn good bread at her job and I'm not afraid to say that she makes about 50% more than I do.

  5. Marty decided since he is the new, reinvented sex machine, that he isn't posting the PDF for early ordering, so guess we'll all have to just order pics at the track. C*ck.

    Don't be a hater sweet cheeks. I'll have order forms at the track. Just been busy as shit with the kids soccer and baseball practices while still working with my trainer. I think tonight is the first night I have nothing go on all week.

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