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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Holy god, I have huge respect for riders who go on these mega mile adventures alone, they really really like to ride. Born to be a rider. Good pics brother
  2. Dang Ryan, sleep in, don't come out. Ride will be brutally long if your sleepless.
  3. Awesome, now if I only could get some sleep lol
  4. nxt time for sure, need to get many canton/ akron area guys to join up
  5. Since its pretty new roads to almost all of us, advice caution with speed. If we running out of time we will take 7 back and avoid 20 Rhill if you head down 11 and then 7 and meet us where 250 meets 7 u need to be there only by say 10:30 or so
  6. Yet another thread, same old Blah Blah to cut it short, if you want awesome work for fantastic price in NEO go here http://ducrx.com/ Thx paul
  7. tx rico, we will try some other alternative route at that time based on how tired everyone is. If you wanna tag along you are welcome. So as of now, Me, Jerry and Jeff will meet in canfeild BP at 6:30, we will head out from there by 6:45- 7:00 and be at 9&30 by 7:45-8:00. (wait right where 30-9-644 meets, there is a closed of building with some parking space in front of that in this intersection) Will meet Hail-Will and jester there i guess and head onwards. First gas stop will be more than 50 miles away at cadiz so i guess keep tanks filled up, no gas in hanoverton. Not sure how Rhill is progressing as of now
  8. Tomorrow weather looks nice, 83 max only May be let Rhill ride sweeper since he likes to go fast
  9. I think you really miss riding lol
  10. you know when you think about it, not a bad idea at all. may be an overnight stay in SEO and ride will help you with it
  11. Haha okay Bad, u gotta do 400+ to hit WV its worth it, at least on google maps lol Paul any suggestion on gas stop on 250 WV
  12. Nice, u can make it Rhill, if we ride tomorrow and bts we can ride Sunday too lol or else rest up or short ride on Sunday Jeff u can break away after WV section and slab back 7 and make it home by 1 for sure Paul , when u see my tires tomorrow u might say it has at least 500-1000 left in it, if that's the case I will ride this weekend and bring it next week.
  13. The following details are based on the location/ choice of riders who currently are interested in the ride Meet Spot: Hanoverton Rt 9 & Rt 30 ( youngstown group will meet in canfeild BP (224-11) at ride to this place to meet with those from canton area. Route: http://goo.gl/maps/MT1A this is subject to change based on how the day progress and the condition of the roads Time: around 7:30 AM kick stand by 8:00 AM hope to make it back home by 3 pm Pace: pace will be moderate spirited at best.
  14. about 4 of us, will post details soon. and temps look good for a good ride
  15. strong will from old heart , but what if the robbers were bad ass crazy dudes? wouldnt they just shoot him back and the rest of the innocent bystanders? PS: i am "not againt or for the gun laws" etc. Just imagining a senario like this, always been told by the "common sense/ generalized assumtion of public" to just stay put and dont try to be a hero unless you have years and years of training under your belt.
  16. we let rhill lead towards the end of the ride, he went bersek lol We are thinking of just letting him go ahead next time and wait for us in the next intersection saturday is a good day, ride hard and rest on sunday. planning on touching some WV routes this time. Will post details later. @Rhill, just paste the simple youtube link in the post, dont even need to put tags on
  17. I loved the rear facing shot too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp7UgsKGWS4&feature=youtube_gdata_player That video from last year when it was sunny and cool outside. This Saturday ready to roll? Gotta get out earlier
  18. thx for posting, good one ryan. pretty good capture for such an overcast "antigopro" weather you need to get a bag of mounts from amazon for cheap to fix that mount issue of yours or else its gonna shake and make the noise all the time i guess.
  19. hate to say the truth but there is nothing north, Come down and ride more towards the south, at least below canton area where there are decent roads to ride. Every weekend we try to ride, At least some NEO group rides happen and its all an average 300+ mile for any fun at all. If you can spend close to 1 hour slabbing then u get hours of enjoyment in some of the nicest roads ohio has to offer.
  20. And that bike just sits in your garage, while u keep playing with piggy once a month , baaaah come out next time snob lol
  21. work is killing me dont think i can get to rest. Will be a bad idea to ride after 30+ hours of no sleep. have a good ride guys
  22. NinjaDoc

    IMG 0084

    holy shit, sooo jealous
  23. welcome, join us in rides starting from bolivar now and then
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