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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. its funny how only the weekends touch 95+ and weekdays when we work its 80+
  2. WOW braaaaaand NEwwwww , story confuse me, but your choice makes me jealous , stay safe have fun and post picz
  3. GLWs, what twisty toy did you buy?
  4. when the weather is much more milder there will be plenty of riders up for rides, northys usually meet up at bolivar and we head out from there. Good spot for us east side guys to come join as well. Need to ride 669/668 etc the southern guys were saying they are awesome with new pavement etc.
  5. our saturday ride was a bad idea Rhill lol 105+ temp = no relieif even when moving which actually made it worse coz it felt like blow dryer and roads we explored sucked big time.
  6. Gaud... speechless is absolutely right way to describe it
  7. awesome video, hows the temp there now
  8. was blistering hot today, kept on pouring water on the t shirt and it would dry away in one hour lol at one of the stops for gas, scraped the inside of ice box over there got some big frosting pieces and put it in the pockets etc of the mesh jacket, man that felt good for another hour. i guess t shirt + water >> cooling vest
  9. Cooling vests while riding- anyone? Does it help? If so which one will you recommend ? Sidenoterant Really need to get some sleep, almost all the rides I go without sleep will be 10x better rider if I had a good sleep it seems /endrandomrant
  10. NinjaDoc

    sat 7/7

    250 is kinda highway ride, not as good as it looks on the map. But since you want it we shud do it always up for requests
  11. NinjaDoc

    sat 7/7

    Meeting at 7:00 Canfield bp 224 & 11
  12. NinjaDoc

    sat 7/7

    Planning on riding tomorrow morning Meet at 6:00 in canfield BP Planning to get back before 12:00 noon so wont be a huge 'miler' ride. By noon temp is going to be 100+ tomorrow three or four of us on board now. Final route and meet place will update by afternoon if at all it changes.
  13. Awesome videos, good capture with minimal noise
  14. nice pics luke and matt
  15. I have to get back early, I was hoping some one around here might want to ride early. But there seems to be interested riders, u guys shud ride. But tomorrow weather is blaaaah Storm warning around here right now, hope it doesn't leave any debris, might scrap the whole plan if this keeps up
  16. Forecast calls for weird 90+ plus thunderstorm after noon. I was planning to head out at 4:30 am and come back by 11:30 ish. But I guess most extreme northys can't make it at that time, seems like there are enough people to ride later on if you guys plan it among yourself
  17. Any one planning to ride tomorrow?
  18. so true, its coming ... it is coming
  19. Ah will try, where does this happen again, street address wise? yes I am über noob
  20. Awesome, jelous much Hob, are you a millionaire through oil deal or something? You got all a+ toys and a+ time to use them as well in A + places
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