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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. but this was so perfect arrrghh, it was close i could just ride it over and well price was right too, anyways next time Jeff, what will be the next one you going to attend?
  2. nooooooooooooooooooooooo as i feared, no off days to balance it out cant make ittttt next time for sure,
  3. thx for the help and headsup on the wed last day by today evening i might know for sure if i get off Can some one help with the exact street address for the track, i am failing with google maps for some reason to locate the place.
  4. thx for the advice guys, i am a definite may be as of now now just have to make sure i get the day off both from work as well as family jbot, thx for the offer. I might be able to pull off with the gear i have currently. May be you can double check it for me, send you a pm with links to what i have as gear. link will meet you there, will be nice to see the familiar faces and meet others as well.
  5. This might be my first post in this section Strongly thinking about going to the motoseries at beaver run this Saturday for my first ever track day. Jeff is gonna be there and provided most of the info to encourage me. As I understand for instruction group the prep that I should undertake is tape my lights turn signals and speedo. No need to change the fluids and stuff right? Do I need to take my luggage rack and central stand off which is a huge pain in the rear with my immature mech skills Plus I dont have a trailer and hence I am planning to ride down their early and tape it up. Some essentials like fuel and water/ chair etc Jeff migt help transporting. Don't have Any tent If I get the day off I might be able to pull it off.It's gonna be a last min decision. Will I get the slot or it will be filled up? All advices are welcome. Please fill in details I missed. Finally most important thing: lol. Is filming allowed in the premise, if I bring along my dslr is photography allowed? Not planning to sell pics or anything just to make some video etc
  6. I do this, plus the slope is against the turn except where there is fair amount of banking
  7. NinjaDoc

    Monday 6/25

    Being a working day I know Possibilities are low, but still if at all any one around for a ride in neo region. Weather look good with high touching only 80. We can plan based on who can make it.
  8. NinjaDoc


    Nice, more pics magz And do come for rides now on lol
  9. Today was actually a nice day to ride, just the right temp. Put in few miles
  10. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    nice to meet you guys, thx for showing up, had a great day. Katana might have started at 5:00 or something to make it here on time, wow nice little ride, back home safe, debugged and washed Thx for waiting around while i played with the go pro but the videos look shaky
  11. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    Katana is on his way, am getting ready looks like a good day. ST see you there by 6:45
  12. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    Some day we all shud meet up for a ride big group ride Katana hope you post up your final decision soon, if you gonna make it do post up early morning or better text me, I pmed u my number already. We hoping for a 7:00 am start
  13. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    prolly gonna be short ride since its gonna touch 95+ by noon, will try to wrap up and come back by noon time. the usual route we been doing, too lazy to attempt to plot anything different 62-9-39-542-212-151-646-9-151-152-170 overall can be done under 5 hours if we start by 7 we can finish off by 12. katana, just waking up starting to ride is the hard part after that its all smooth sailing and fun. sorry mykill too lazy to come that far, on mid week, one weekend for sure. when we start around 5 in am lol
  14. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    Always south there is nothing north Desmo we might not make it that far south, lemme chart route by tonight and see if we can come up with something
  15. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    Sniper, katana will u guys be able to make it to canfeild BP by 11 &224 around 7:00 am, we can start early which beats heat an traffic
  16. True, but that's the trip meter with 250 miles from a single ride. I already have put 3000+ miles on her in 2 months I had her, even with tight work Schedule and no commuting Edit: 3895 miles to be exact not much but not too bad either
  17. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    Mykill you coming all the way from south,? I was thinking the north east region itself if just two of us, can change based on who ever is joining
  18. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    No idea as of now, work day means less chance
  19. NinjaDoc

    Thursday 6/21

    6;45 meet 7:00 am start?
  20. thx b, added cople more pics. DAC i see at least 6+ vfr owners right in OR, when we gonna hook up
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