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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Niceeee and cleeeeeeaaaaaaan
  2. my humble opinion....DONT do 164, too much trucks ... too much gravel on turns... trucks killed that road. here is another suggestion >>>> http://g.co/maps/tun3d 646 is the most fun route you can find up here without going south east i guess. 152 aint bad too bad i cant ride
  3. NinjaDoc

    Fallin Rider

    hope and pray for the best
  4. really hubbard ohio,? you are not group ride kinda person i take
  5. NinjaDoc

    5/20 Sunday

    Shit, sorry to hear that, take care and heal fast
  6. we should start a ride, very early in morning to get some early dawn ride in. It looks so beautiful these days with bearable temps
  7. NinjaDoc

    5/20 Sunday

    if they gonna do what "inyazz pace" its gonna be pretty brutal, dont try to keep up if thats not your style. Just ride your own ride. and dont worry UP will be behind you watching you over At least thats my wild guess Ride safe guys
  8. i am interested, because feel like something unique. I am a night person. but... the concern is how safe is it?
  9. NinjaDoc

    I'm Down

    if the swelling went down and pain subsided you might be lucky enough to escape some major tendon damage. But like sturg said, tendons in knee joint is kinda flimsy and if you dont take care long standing damages can happen. Eg: U might have a small tear in one of the tendons, if you dont rest and let it heal it might completely tear apart causing life long probs on top of crappy cost to fix it. Now the question is does every one need an MRI? nope, if proper knee exam and clinical exam comes out okay u might be good with rest alone. If abnormal i would personally like more investigations done well i hope i scared you enough to take it easy , GAPS on the road, you can hit them any day in your future, GAP in knee will mess up every day in your future .
  10. NinjaDoc


    Perfect alrounder, u will never be sorry Once u get vfred u never go back lol Al stop posting and go ride, it's a crime not to ride today
  11. Wish I was off today have a safe ride guys
  12. Beautiful weekend, as expected working 36 hour straight starting sat 7:00 am. Hope u guys get to ride, don't miss out (
  13. Share the route plz, so when I get some rare day off wanna try them
  14. man thats freaking quick i was expecting it to happen, knew the time as mykill said... shortly after 7:30 mins into video ... glued to the monitor to see if i can at least click mouse and pause the video. BAM too fast couldnt even mange to pause the video before impact, i guess there is no freaking way we can react quickly to a deer in real life
  15. I still have them in the box I guess, just didn't move my butt to the post office and do it, we can meet up some time during summer if you still interested
  16. next time we find a day off like that 300 mile for sure, hopefully in clean roads. Stained my shorts on those gravel spread narrow blind unmarked roads, Wont even mention about the gravel road with some pavement sprinkled on it kind of road. need more practice before i can hit those routes at your pace
  17. seems like solo ride accidents are more prevalent, may be many people commute to work etc glad to see majority are fully geared up, may be thats why they are still here riding and posting and answered the poll. And nice that people are honest and accepted that fact that they blew corners which means most of us need more practice. Track days for sure.
  18. am working close to 90 hours every week hence stuck. will be like this till july for me. Hopefully will get some weekend evening at least.
  19. Been thinking about asking this here or not. Not sure whtr a good idea to post this question, but just curious about other riders. Because every time i ride with faster riders, i am kind of riding at my limit even thou i am trying to "ride my own ride". And it is not un common for me to have at least one "oh shit" moment which thankfully never ended up bad. and i see and hear others also having at least one "scary" moment during their ride. Is it needed to test our limits to improve our skills? or is it just wise to go out and ride a pace you enjoy and have just good fun? (which i prefer these days) What do you guys do, keep riding harder and improve the baseline? or try to stay status quo? I know according to majority the best answer is going to be do track days, which believe me if i get an opportunity i will jump into it. Just wanted to know how many already had a bad or worse exp? my assumption is more than 90%. Now be honest when you answer the poll, no one sees what you vote for, you can chose multiple option. i know its a ridiculous masala mix of a poll
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