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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Thx hutch personally i never used it since all my videos are small, but heard good stuff about them http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/
  2. chop up into 9:59 minute files and then upload, easier and faster.
  3. Just some random pics from some rides after i got VFRed, was planning on writing up some thing in VFr forum as well, but too lazy, anyways Marlboro Rest in a shade Console Tail end Stable jerry da riding mentor some where in 212 early morning start More to come soon
  4. spending 99 bucks on a remote for gopro doesnt sound like a bad idea at all, it ensures u are recording and you can break up the recording by switching it off and on rather than having to deal with heavy duty files. plus mount in unusual angles then record thru remote
  5. NinjaDoc

    Sat 6/16

    as of now, we planning to start at 10:30 am from canfield BP (11 and 224) I will text you my number, if you can forward me your number will let you know if any last minute changes Rhill, since we starting late might be doing some of our usual routes which are fun, will let you know soon via text or pm as soon as i talk with alzh, Katana will be back by noon itself, and also would love to have a brand new daytona on camera sorry for the inconsistent plans, the sale happened at the last moment .
  6. NinjaDoc

    Sat 6/16

    Ah some thing popped up now, the guy who was interested in the bike gonna buy it tomorrow, If that's the case I will have to start later than 10 from here in Canfield Sorry about the change of plan
  7. NinjaDoc

    Sat 6/16

    As it stands, we might pass through bolivar by 7:45am, u can join us then ?
  8. Trueeee, ask her to look through above your shoulder in which ever direction ur turning. Ton of difference. In vfr specific way, ask to stay close to you through twisty stuff as she might migrate back to grab the handles which makes handling little bit difficult. You will manage very easy as long as she cooperates
  9. NinjaDoc

    Sat 6/16

    Sorry ault, we trying to get back by 12 or so, in fact if only couple of us riding we might start even earlier
  10. then come and ride Saturday morning that is if you wake up
  11. NinjaDoc

    Sat 6/16

    EDIT: Initial plan went to the dogs as some thing came up, so we will be starting from canfeild BP station ( off 11 on 224) at 10:30, route will be touching some of the good NEO routes like 9- 542 646 152 170 etc Will try to get it wrapped up by noon. Few of us planning to ride on sat 6/16, will be an early morning start with kick stand around 6:15 - 6:30. starting from BP in canfeild (right off 11 and 224) Final route will post up later. Hoping to do around 200-250 miles. Will be back home before noon heat. Early morning= win, once u r able to wake up its awesome all the way, less traffic and perfect temps. By noon its gonna touch 85+ If any one at all interested plz pm/post so we can work up route for that, We can touch bolivar by 8:00 to meet others if any one over there is interested, if not we will be going east ward to explore some good PA roads. Pace moderate to spirited, nothing "machy" not at all boring.
  12. congrats on new addition, how about a side car soon
  13. Sorry to hear but could have been worse, the weight was the Main thing that kept me away from Pure sport tourers
  14. It's a standard questionnaire used/ should have been used since a long time, to access the risk of self harm. Usually we get to these when we suspect patient is having some depression or mood disorder etc use that on every one
  15. UP shud have sported a gopro on turnone for that ride, that video would have made many straight people in here think twice
  16. so cool, hope a video or at least a group pic was taken for the memories and stuff
  17. need more stuff like that to edit and make good video if its just ride videos, the best way is none edited one. Pure ride video with engine sound is the best video. but if you guys have non ride videos like loading bikes, unloading bikes, party videos, random stuff then editing it together makes sense.
  18. Niceeee obvious you love to ride, ever plan 2 up ride trips let me know. We might try to join up
  19. nice pics, awesome place. Hopefully next time i can make it
  20. NinjaDoc

    Oh Deer

    You did good, luke out
  21. Thx again for the detailed info, will do it the right way.
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