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Posts posted by NinjaDoc

  1. There is always a chance for douche baggerism. But once in a life time at least we should be part of one I guess, and yes there is attention seeking, yes there is power play like taking over the street but more than that , yes this is some thing that will be unique to our community :)

  2. For using footage of what was probably the most boring parts of the ride, that turned out pretty darn well - liked the music too.

    Looking forward to seeing some footage further up 164.

    Thx hail, You kept away from the cam :) Rest of the route was one big recording and i find it hard to edit out as my pc is not handling it :( next time i am gonna break it up

    And max, hope u feeling much better now. The pain might have shot up quite a bit the next couple of days

  3. How did you learn to keep the video from fogging up?

    Nice editing, you do good work and make everyone look like a rock star.

    i guess what inyazz told is right, must be the dirt. And luck of course. Poor max did all the hard stuff and now we dont have a record of it to relive it again. :( must be the influence of the day

    anyways, Thx UP,



    Just a quick edit and preview of our group ride today. Sound didnt come out right hence slapped on a music. Rather showing the ride route aim of this video was to sorta give anyone out there a "feel" for a group ride if you havent been to one. Group rides are one of the best part of riding a motorcycle. This is just to do some thing, as always pc not able to handle the long hours of recording. i need to find a way to fix it. Long hours of video still needs to be edited and uploaded.

  5. put together some clips, slapped on a music and now trying to render it at least viewable quality, Overall bad work, but some thing better than nothing, i just used our first part of ride, the second part will do some other time. now need my sleep :(

  6. Its nothing short of miracle that u and bike left almost unscathed

    If my freaking cam could have caught the bike tumble and who ever saw that would never even in their wildest imagination guess that both the bike and rider drove home. Heck u stood up in 2 sec while the bike was going on tumbling.

    I say ur gear was awesome. Am buying pants and boots with my next salary, dayum go pro can wait.

    Without a sound i dont think the footage has any meaning to it, still i am gonna slap some musik on and try and make something out of it. Note to self, arrive at the meeting point early so i can get some good footages + learn the nuances of most user unfriendly gopro cam,

  7. You shouldn't have gotten that impression. A group ride is a group ride and it wasn't mine to decide how it should go. You did fine and with your history I would expect you to be cautious.

    Damn, I wanted to see the video of the get off to see how well I remembered it in real time, it was quite spectacular for no one getting hurt and the bike remaining rideable.

    :D , i dont know why it fogged up like that right at that crucial time, but i think i have good footages of your fly byes, literally flying by. No sight of the other guys in video except at turns haha

    You can start off by viewing the docu video by clicking the link in my signature, by the time u finish watching it plus 1/2 a day :p i will upload the brand new action from today. Too bad i dont have sound, will find some crappy music to fill it up.

  8. okay am sorry guys, but the camera decided to act up to finish the day, most of the view is "foggy" so it decided to capture nothing that we intended to and then it captures even the slightest vibration and extra noise of the bike except the sounds we need, hence we have nothing but crappy stuff to deal with :(

    let me try and edit some thing out of it

  9. home safe, i hope its same for all

    Yep what a day, By the time we reached meeting point one guy was already on his way back thx to the shoves and pushes from every one. Start of bad omen

    Then one had an unfortunate mishap, classic example 0f right rider have a wrong day

    After that another bike starts to have hiccups while the bike which did 3 tumbles runs fine :(

    Man wish u guys didnt have to wait too long, nice thing u guys messaged u reached home

    i say some body crossed a black cat yesterday, may be even ate one considering the amount of crap. But the good thing is all rode home and all are safe.

    To top it off i think punk and inyaz were pissed of after hauling my slow ass all over 164 , but i guess i am learning the trick, someday wish to ride like u guys, thx for the tips Unk punk

    Right now transferring the data onto pc hopefully we soon will have visuals to put to the story

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