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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc


    From the album: Random Rides

  2. These are just my 002 $ / depends on roads closer to you and access to good twisties. if you live near by twisties like dragon / general deals gap area / mainly more than 80% curves and few straights - light /middle weight small cc bikes would be a blast as thats all you need to have fun. if you live near twisties like in ohio ( 50 /50 corners and straights) a 1000cc bikes would be a good compromise to have fun as well as enjoy some pulls / and less revy straight cruise. this doesnt mean small bike is a bad choice here. Just in my opinion you can enjoy the catapulting effect out of corner and blast into the straights, acceleration which i like the most that high velocity all the time. and if you live in areas like us neo folks, personally i like them heavy sports/ sport touring bikes to make the long travel /commute to the start of the twisties less painful and still get to enjoy the twisties like a sports bike. I always preferred heavy bikes and put panniers and stuff on almost all the bikes. Some what thought more rewarding to work the beast into corners and more stable in un even crappy surfaces like we have. Each person there own is never been more true statement than for motorcycling for eg even in OR you wont find two people with same opinion about which bike they like.
  3. haha you guys are too much. For this bike i havent got anything so far other than a ram ball. More than likely just a frame slider as well and call it a day PS: the question of some sort of windsheild is yet to be answered plus still havent recorded sounds of the bike for a video yet. This is my legal defense for future. i am not a bloody farkler like you think. The only bike i spend all that money was on feejer and thats because i got it right before winter, inability to ride it plus winter boredom makes you susceptible to farkle bikes a loooooot. hahah nope, seems just perfect so far, but then again havent ridden it much.
  4. Hahahahha I really would like to hear your explanation for this answer in this thread Gary, I will post a real reply as soon as I can get to a bigger screen, want to type a lot
  5. +1 who ever thought the 16 pages was accidentally purposefully deleted by a mod in "higher" level of meditative mood.
  6. As @Connie14 said we need to find you a good girl who hates Motos feejharmoney.com
  7. unless your really really digging for deals and hidden gems the rule of thumb to save time is to always ignore most CL ads like these > single picture ads, very short generic description ads, "selling for my husband " ad , most ' no phone number listed'
  8. Gary thx for the update, now i know where i am heading the first off day i get to vent my frustration of 21 straight work days. @EOdesmo and his bike has a folklore status now, you ride on some roads east of 77 on a weekend statistically u have a high chance of coming across that sexy bike.
  9. Hakone and norikuya are some I remember to be part of bucket list from Japan
  10. dont mean to be condescending, just making sure. You are measuring the head the right way right, and not just trying helmets on etc ? I think u must be because you seem to research a lot. Just asking since when i started i was wearing a comfortable size XL helmet and once i got to know what i am doing i am now wearing a size small. Just a small difference
  11. May be its in my fate / it's my destiny / it's my name N+1 Vin all the time *sword in hand head bowed solemn prayer* Shhhhhh .. Your should have been an attorney
  12. @hiro rather than spending more and more money to try and improve that one, i think this might be a better option > just 139 brand new shiny helmet to your door, cant get better than that. Pauly was saying this one with its "pump" action "customization" cheek pad + curtain and shape was less noisy than his costly arai. Cant go wrong with this i guess. Get the right size and ensure your head shape is right and your golden with a ear plug. Pm @RidersDiscount naaaaooooowww
  13. Holy shit he showed and didn't ride a motorcycle? There is something seriously wrong in this world
  14. Hahaha exactly, growing up I thought these machines would be just pics on the wall. Never even seen one in person. Now I am like a kid in a candy store. Paul thx for making me feel less sick As of now just renting, just 4-5 times a whole year of use, no sense in buying I thought. But been getting advice from many about the TRS. I saw one in action too, very neat what about your second gear, when do we get to see you on the streets and not on the shows ? I owe you a video from 6 yrs ago
  15. Haha That was a massive shift for you, coming straight from that dirt bike on steroids to this heavy truck, esp on a tight section of 164. I was having a ball with your bike since I felt like I was riding a unicycle sitting right on top of the gas tank and handle bars right there and light as a feather. It was major difference. If you wish we can do couple more switches starting with more clean straight twisties.
  16. lol talk about fjr guys thinking and posting same time.
  17. i am actually liking it more i use it, 3 is a sweet one fit for all for most back roads and 5 is good enough to cruise in highway. never missed the 6th. It works well with the 1300 plant. It never really needed a 6th and i think was just done to keep up with marketing and competing with others.
  18. I give up, no matter what I still can't convince myself no matter how hard I try to justify it on june 14 2017 I am gonna take an oath that no more bike changes ...... fine print: until absolutely needed
  19. i know, I some time wonder why , but I kind of know why too Awesome I will put in mine soon as well, hopefully I still have a bike by then lol hahah Dan I know as a person who establishes life long commitment and relation with your motos your mind is being blown into pieces trying to comprehend this madness. Just let it slide This is not part of being indecisive, in fact I come to decision on motorcycle with full commitment and the idea on what I am getting into and idea is to just try them. Its not like I buy them look at it and sell, every cycle I had I learned them and I rode them to my full content. I rode close to 5K or more in the span of few months before I decide to let it go. Max I had was two bike at a time and that too not for long and I wean it down to 1 bike stable. Its not like I am just accumulating bikes and not using them. All used bikes or great deal left over. And the total amount of financial hit I taken so far is not even close to a guy who would for Eg: buy a high end motorcycle like Duc/harley new and then sold or traded it in two years. High turn over rate I agree is bad, but life is short and so many motorcycles to experience. And this is the only madness I have. Like I tried to justify myself... other than this I don't spend money on anything else at all almost.. nothing unnecessary. No other vices, no other major hobbies, no interest in fashion, no expensive cars, no watch ,no high end dine and wine , no xbox large tv, nothing ...absolutely nothing else. still use the same glasses shoes cloths I had bought from india 7 yrs ago. Very very weirdly minimalist, to the point jerry once told me I don't dress or accessorize like a doctor at all I started med school at 19 - been studying for almost 14 yrs, did all back home then repeated everything again here . Studied till 33, I know this pee, seen this pee before, not my first rodeo pee when it comes to kidneys I can diagnose and take decision in my sleep that the avg physician is struggling with, so no worries there. The only thing i am proud of other than my family is the work i do. No compromise or excuse there even if i joke around here. And with that big brag I will stop right here. I will go now and take some pancreas out... oh wait I think it was kidneys. At the very least am gonna fry Mr coldfish exactly how it works still to find something to keep for 30K , FJR I might as of now if the longer rides on striple looks to be tiresome.
  20. i am always afraid of those oops garage moments etc rather than full on high speed low side. oh no, the shopping is a constant process in my head ...CL/ CT/ forums/ dealer websites/ everything . just had to choose one from the database of 10 best choice and pull the trigger.
  21. whats the gen consensus nowadays on how much to compress the forks when tie down? internet is full of info from all through the spectrum. And as we all know Ohioriders always have the accurate best trust worthy answers in the whole wide web..... yep now the tough part is to resist pming @RidersDiscount regarding add ons for striple, after the last bike i was dead set that i will never do mods on bike unless absolutely and critically needed. But frame sliders... every one needs frame sliders right..
  22. i was thinking of the august date that was gonna be OR track date. Plus little more colder than july heat wave to enjoy the day in full leather and down times
  23. i was looking online for those, looks like size 32 is the one to get for striple. but having bar end mirror might not work with it right? haha that was a good reason. that road was super smooth and clean. My worry is ohio roads not gonna be like that. Its the uneven payment and me getting jolted around in a lighter bike that made me love big heavy bikes since they felt more planted and stable. In time will see with proper suspender setting if this guy will behave. i am pretty sure you were sure that i was gonna end up pulling the trigger even @Hellmutt was asking about it. I guess no body thought i was crazy to pull the trigger within 24 freaking hours of touching base station. another thing is i was pretty beat up by the end of the day, dont know if it was all the travel and sleepless nights or the "wind jammer effect" of naked bike i understand, i used to feel so guilty and down after purchase thinking of how much lack of willpower i have to resist the dark temptation of lust and gluttony for motos. But now it has been happening so often that i am comfortably numb. Classic flowchart followed by addicts for some reason it makes me really feel good to see you come out of shadows to say this was a borderline good mad call
  24. haha funny weird story, i cant even make this up. I pull up at my home, get the bike of trailer and then went to start the subaru to get the trailer back....battery acting funny... i mean this car never ever gave me problem. and on the day i haul a triumph the battery gives me crap ... jump started and then things fortunately worked out. plus first thing i did is put the thing on a tender just in case hahah if your serious we can chat over PM. Never thought about naming bikes, but this one for sure gives you the feeling of a classy lady. Think i might name her "Sade" why not, right, british, classy, and smooth set of natural pipes and hopefully make me a smooth operator. yea. i was worried about it, i didnt have anything in my hand other than these, the lower triple idea sounds good.
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