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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. That's both a strength and weakness in my humble opinion. I would say more towards strength. You look through years there is always a base group that is driving majority of activities, that base group keep changing as years go by and made up by different set of people the next phase. Then there is constant stream of active people with valid contribution and then the lurkers. The roles keep changing all the time based on which phase of bipolar you are in that month. I think it might be same way others feel as well, for eg: I have gone for months with no post to right now with post every hour. Many don't have that much fluctuations. But the point being, Like minded peeps with similar attitude and outlook easily merge with this as a base or active participant. And when they do they feel like they belong just like that. There is no social heiracrchy here, no club president member non member crap here, every one is free to post and use and make use of the group. And because of that OR will survive another 10 more years easy when peeps will be posting rides on electric bikes and hover bikes. And hopefully yoshi can join a group ride by then
  2. @330racing experience with brand new ape rsv is what scared me away from trying a tuono yet. Which on paper and spec was my always dream bike
  3. When you look through the member list, so many peeps with cruisers, they prolly not active because of us rookie racer wanna be folks always populating every thread with our inner circle banter and inside jokes. It's tough to break into such a hard packed close group of jackass friend circle who pretend to be sworn enemies here while being closer than family. Many ways this might be start of new revolution. @CurbedSedition Go ahead and post a scenic/ ride with a great route and stops. You can pm this angry grand father > @Tonik for help as he can give you a rough plan in 2 mins hope fully many more post up and make it a constant thing. Choosing slow or fun scenic pace should not be seen as something to be shunned at. It's a sign of maturity and responsibility.
  4. Haha don't worry @CurbedSedition you are doing okay, he was just being a punk oe thing I will tell you that helps is, posting a solid plan. Most times trying to discuss and getting opinion etc to come up with one plan fizzles out. So go ahead and post a solid plan as in having these details helps, date of ride route Expected pace of ride / style of ride time of start and expected finish time and location any lunch stop planned etc etc anyways good luck with the plans , ur doing nothing wrong. Wish more peeps would post up rides. On a side note, majority of active riders in here are sporty riders on variety of bikes. Almost all are atgatt and ride back roads at fun to spirited pace to "are u insane" . It will be hard pressed to find riders that prefer a casual parade style / cruising / scenic / group. ( nothing wrong with those rides, just not the active crowd here) but hopefully more rides like that are posted and more of those lurking peeps would become active and change the scene around. Good luck
  5. Dang didn't realize you were planning too, that makes it 4 familiar faces ... Brian, did we ride together once on the street long ago? U were on a Daytona at that time on the street? Met in Youngstown area ?
  6. Gawd dayuuuuum first @what then @jacobhawkins now you. You guys making me want to make it for this one. As of now less than 1% chance for it
  7. feel so awkward to wear one piece for regular street riding / and 95% of rides will be street with occasional tracks. I hope they dont change, i dont fancy myself wanting to step up any higher than intermediate ever. How long do we need to be in novice before given a chance to I group?
  8. I just meant to give you an added $ saving option, I got the idea of bike when u said adventure hehe
  9. Guy dreams about buying sling shot googles - slingshot review starts reading down the thread starts thinking may be its a bad decision and towards the end looses his mind and sells all his belonging and takes an expedition to Himalayas Because OR
  10. NinjaDoc

    Isaac papa

    Holy freaking pauly, the difference is so drastic, stronger and sharper and leaner. Will power is a biggest make over expert
  11. You are stepping into a rabbit hole of philosophical never understanding vicious cycle of wants and needs discussion. I always struggled with similar question regarding my own life. Where do you draw a line and say this is wants / this is needs. It's an impossible scenario unless u go extreme. For simple e.g. Will u sacrifice doing OMRL days and all the small toys and small pleasures and donate the money for the homeless. It might be a negligible amount/ not even a big expense "compared" to big coin spending super rich guys guys. Still nevertheless a "want" an entertaining expense for the soul. Like wise I can't kick the habit of moto soul entertainment. And hence I felt like I could never blame a guy buying two Lamborghinis and 3 Ferraris just because he could. I still feel he is wasting money, that could be used for so much good etc etc but can't blame them from where I am standing. We all are wasting money relative to some other who could really use it for a days meal or when in 2017 people still die from hunger. But we are flawed as humans and angels are a myth.
  12. Is two peice suit with 360 okay for going for novice as well as intermediate
  13. Wooster has a well set up used one. The guys know the previous owner, all service through them. It's not a steal but a damn good deal. I test drove it. Was not my cup of tea, but awesome deal nevertheless
  14. @TimTheAzn the first ride you rode with us years ago you were mature and lvl headed, I remember jerry telling me "this guy will come back " and will be riding with us for years the guy who was the guiding light and helped me like that is the old @Uncle Punk above. The advice is not like 5 page long, it was simple. "Don't worry about keeping rpm high, the bike can take it. " so so don't be afraid of group rides, find the rIght one for you, or be a riding brostitute like me go with any and every group when ever you can its the hidden wheel / circle of life / of moto life the best thing about OR this one forum knowingly or unknowingly is a main reason there are less squids and more lvl headed talented riders on the streets of Ohio. You hang out here u, u get to meet good riders, develop good skills, and in the unfortunate event of crash u still walk away since atgatt is the hidden rule. Almost all the riders that we regularly meet and ride with have been good riders, speed is just a state of mind and enjoyement. Safety is a necessity and requirement. Almost all the regulars here, u can be sure they will either wait for you at next intersection or will show up at the next intersection while you wait. @theroamr please add this addict to the mailing list as I am getting older, work family social cultural obligations start to load your mind up day by day. I understand what some oldie riders keep saying, want to ride to get it out of you. You keep all this bundled up day after day and on the 7th day he rode. As of right now my state of mind is ruthless aggression and want to twist that freaking throttle and burn the rubber around a corner. Gone is my sensibility to be sane. I can't wait for this weekend to ride the freaking wheels of this bike and boil the engine to a stop. (Ps: I am almost certain coming weekend when I walk out that door and see my baby boy's face or even his innocent toy I be like, take it eaaaasy bud .. we need to come back in one peice and be riding in split mind )
  15. Spill it old punk, what r u lusting after?
  16. Good ride, no cops no drops. Nice to meet you @nebbish (still no reply about u getting home? Hope u did safe) and @ricer1 good talking to you we will try to get out more often for these short rides
  17. good thing u decided to come with a clean slate
  18. Dang @JustinNck1 Which one did u get? I could have given U a good deal on mine, I might defarkle and sell the fjr if I like the striple that much.
  19. NinjaDoc

    Ninja 1000

    From the album: Random Rides

  20. NinjaDoc

    Tiger 1200

    From the album: Random Rides

  21. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

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