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Everything posted by blue98ls1

  1. Fresh water I am assuming? We had issues with our aquarium for the first month. It takes a whole month for the tank to cycle and get a balance of good bacteria. During that first month we lost a lot of fish. I was told for the first month cheap fish that you don't really care about is the way to go. We got this stuff called Stress Coat + that is a fish/water conditioner that we have used since about the second month of having the aquarium and it seems to work well. The tank is nice and clear.
  2. Depends on the reptile you get. Some are extremely expensive, some are fairly cheap. This little guy was originally marked $50 and marked down to $32 and they took a couple dollars extra off because he has been there since January. The lights, aquarium, aquarium decorations and stuff are the most expensive. A simple log for the aquarium sometimes costs more than the reptile itself.
  3. Went to a petstore the other day (always a mistake) and found another really awesome lizard. A Chinese Water Dragon. He was walking along the front of the aquarium and looking like he really wanted us to take him out. He is much more active than our other lizards (bearded dragon, gecko). He has some really nice coloring and seemed pretty friendly right off. There where 2 other water dragons in there with him and they where really nervous and ran when the guy went to reach in the tank, this one just sat there and waited to be removed. Since he has been home I have held him several times already and after he has been grabbed he calms down right away but keeps a close eye on you and his surroundings. Much more observant. Really liking him. Just need to pick a name now. Any suggestions? http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/waterdragon.jpg
  4. Welcome! Sorry for killing you so many times on MW2.
  5. 371 on the third pull, my car likes it hot. But the A/C belt did not. My car needs retuned. Bad. It should have been a little better than that.
  6. I might sign up if my car is running ok after this weekend. It currently has no power steering and is horrible to try parking.
  7. There is nothing wrong with camping, it works quite well.
  8. I have only missed 3rd once in the car out of 130+ laps down the track. The car popping out of 2ed has always been my issue on the track. 3rd on this car is more of a / motion, it has narrow shift gates with too short of a shifter, takes a little time to get used to it. I daily drive it so I have the advantage. But dont feel bad, My car is demon possessed... it doesnt like most people driving it, especially men. It thinks they are all Benner.
  9. I have updated the original post with what people are bringing so far. At this point we don't have anyone down for bringing side dishes so if you would like to bring something along those lines that would be great. As far as how many people to expect... based on this thread so far I would say 25-30. That will hopefully change though.
  10. You of all people had better show up. You have been pushing for more official CR meets and a CR cookout for a while.
  11. Alright people, the cookout is in 3 days, post up what you are bringing and I will get the list up of who is bringing what.
  12. Woohoo!!!!!!! Hope you guys can make it. Your welcome! Glad they let you go with me at least once. You will definately have to wear jeans next time so you can ride with me again.
  13. Thinking along the lines of $5.00.
  14. I only got to take a few pics around 8 when we arrived. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday029.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday004.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday013.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday011.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday023.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday022.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday019.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday024.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x123/wannarace928/june%20track%20day%202010/june182010ntrtrackday026.jpg
  15. My car ran pretty consistant 13.2's - 13.3's this morning with a best of 13.21. Not bad considering how hot it was and it was being hot lapped. Had a few mid 13 runs in there, my car had its usual traction issues coming off the line. Someday the car will get drag radials to fix that problem.
  16. I made Lamb seasoned with rosemary on the grill, fingerling potatoes quartered with rosemary/salt/olive oil baked in the oven for aprx 30 minutes and parmesan couscous. Quick, easy, cheap, yummy.
  17. Aug 15th. There are a few details up in the meetings/events section, more details will be posted soon.
  18. Hey brother! Anthony changed my name on here recently. I am now "Blueberryls1" since I no longer have my 928. Glad you finally posted! :) I will upload the pics/vids I took of your car later and send them to you.
  19. You are an ass. I would train it to bite you.
  20. Might try taking her to a local vets office, they will be able to scan her and see if she has a microchip.
  21. For everyone wanting more "Official CR" Events. The CR Dyno day is this saturday, and I just posted up the CR Cookout information. Information on both events can be found in the meetings and events section. I am still working on the cruise, photo day, and car show. Information on those will be up soon.
  22. This is what everyone has been waiting for, the Official CR Cookout! It is being held on June 26th at 1pm at Clifford Automotive. Shop address: 1340 Stimmel Rd. Columbus 43223 Everyone is asked to either bring something, or if you would like to toss in a donation for supplies that would work too. If you are going to bring something, post up how much of the item you will be bringing so we can determine how many people need to bring each thing. I will make a list of who is bringing what to keep track of everything. ITEMS NEEDED: ICE/COOLERS for drinks Hamburgers/Hamburger buns Hot Dogs/Hot Dog buns Brats/Buns Cheese Ketchup Mustard Chips Napkins Paper Plates Drinks (coke, pepsi, water, mt. dew.... other) Desserts People bringing stuff: CR - Some of almost everything above. We will need more of everything though if we get more than 30-40 people. pontiacfreak142 - hamburgers/hotdogs Eman - Pop icwt - mt. dew brianz06 - potato salad, brocolli salad
  23. I am working on a few things for this summer. Like a CR BBQ, Photo Day, the next Gearhead Gathering car show and a Cruise.
  24. Changed the title for you.
  25. blue98ls1

    car show

    Its that time of year again! CR is hosting the 3ed annual car show on Aug 15th on Columbus's West side. We are looking for sponsor's for the upcoming car show. If this is something you would be interested in helping with, please send me a PM or post up a contact phone number or email address so I can contact you about it.
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