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Everything posted by blue98ls1

  1. I dont know, what will you do having an awesome car in your garage for a change?
  2. Pontiacs... blah. As long as you accept my SVX's and 928, its all good.
  3. I am thankful for my family, especially my son. And thankful that I finally met that super special man in my life. He makes life so much more enjoyable.
  4. You just made me hungry. What do you like there? The chicken, or the chicken??
  5. 58 when I am not home. 70 in the winter during the day 65 at night.
  6. We'll see. My car does fine as long as I dont slide too much and build up so much snow under the car that the wheels dont touch the ground.
  7. Yeah, my subaru can pull your truck out when it gets stuck.
  8. Where the fuck is that smiley with the arms crossed when you need it? You have a few devilish characteristics yourself Mr.
  9. You Scored as Satanism You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism. Satanism 85% Hinduism 80% Paganism 75% Confucianism 75% Buddhism 60% Agnosticism 60% Christianity 55% Atheism 50% Islam 35% Judaism 30% Haruhism 25%
  10. I like movies that have a good story line, not really into chick flicks that you can guess the ending in the first 10 minutes. For example, I like "When Harry met Sally", "Life as a house", "Eyes wide Shut", "Kramer VS Kramer".
  11. Guilty of using my phone in the bathroom. Me too. <- Anthony posting also.
  12. I dont think the G-spot is a myth. Maybe you just need to become a little more familiar with the female anatomy. Not sure if this counts as NWS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Female_anatomy.png
  13. You just succeeded in making me hungry for Chipotle. Think i know where i'm going for lunch.
  14. HAHA! Yeah, that isn't gonna happen. :gtfo:
  15. I will agree that there is some mental stuff that comes into play. But its not all mental. And you must remember, women are incredibly good at faking.
  16. PM not necessary when sitting 2' from someone.
  17. Whats this usually crap? :jerkit:
  18. Depends. How bad you want me?
  19. LOL, I'll be using the wireless a whole lot more if you get your way.
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