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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. As I've been looking for a road bike, Amazon has a pretty good size guide on their site. It lists your height/inseam and the sizes that would fit you. There are two charts - one for road and one for mountain. Pretty good tool.
  2. It's been three hours. What the f**k are you doing, other than NOT posting pics. Sorry, this is just what I wish I could be doing in my garage instead of storing a disassembled mountain bike and about 100 kids toys.
  3. I'd start calling places near UD and Wright Patt - college pizza places are ALWAYS hiring drivers. Show initiative, call and talk to the manager/owner. Put on a suit, go interview. Look like you're trying to get into Harvard Law, you'll stand out from Timmy McGuinness in his tee shirt and jeans. And as stated earlier, pizza delivery can be dangerous. Be aware of your surroundings, don't wear your Rolex to work, and only carry change for $20. If someone pulls a gun, they get free pizza.
  4. You can usually get away with a slightly smaller bike for MTB since you don't spend a ton of time in the seat. When I rode a lot, I rode about a size smaller than I normally would just because it was lighter and easier to throw around. But I'd ride relatively short distances (10-15 miles at a time), so I spend more time out of the seat than I would on a road bike.
  5. Awesome job! Keep it up!
  6. What a cheap tease, LJ.
  7. Ask Cleveland, I suppose...
  8. I went to the bike store today to dip my toe in the water for a road bike. Shit, they're expensive. Thinking craigslist for a mid-80s Schwinn again...
  9. Mainstream media also declared Obama the best president in a generation or two. I'm just saying, they don't have a particularly good track record. Cleveland is full of rust and loud people (mostly Eye-tal-yuns). These are the only things I ever see when I drive through - rust and loud Eye-tal-yuns. It's like New Jersey, only less cosmopolitan and more rust. To summarize, Cleveland = (New Jersey - What Little Class it Has) + (Rust).
  10. Cannondale needs clear coat and put together and then I hit the trails this spring. Can't wait. Been too long.
  11. I got my wife's straight from Google - shipped almost overnight from Kentucky. Just about everywhere but Best Buy has them - $199 for 16 gb, $249 for 32 gb.
  12. I got my wife a Nexus 7 for Christmas - she hasn't put it down since. Our 4 and 3 year old both play with it too - get a case, it's sturdier than others make it out to be.
  13. Pretty bike man - congrats!
  14. I used a bicycle to tow a 45-foot yacht once. Anything is possible. Use the van, cheapass.
  15. Or... if it's not under warranty, they charge you diagnostic (likely $100), and then tell you what's wrong. Then fix it, presumably. If it's belts, expect it to a) not be under warranty, and b) cost about $150. In addition to that $100. Welcome to the world of flat rate technicians.
  16. You joke, but at Nissan, we actually had muffler bearings.
  17. Some OEM oil filters have a check valve to keep oil from draining back into the oil pan when a vehicle sits. If you're using a FRAM (or other) filter, it may be allowing oil to drain back into the crank case and in a cold-start situation, cause the noise you're hearing. Using OEM filter may help? Little metal parts make a ton of noise in sub-freezing temps, as well, but based on what you described, I'd try an oil change with OEM filter if you don't have one on it.
  18. It didn't work at the hotel yesterday, all day. At home today it works fine. I blame Ben, he makes an easy target.
  19. jester3681

    1999 BMW 740i

    Price is high and older BMWs will nickel and dime you to death. Those 740s were top of the line, $80,000 cars. They were technical marvels, with all sorts of easily broken electronic do-dads. Parts are priced accordingly - expensive. 7-series BMWs also hold their value like a porn star after 30.
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