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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. Look to be Comstars - probably the factory wheels for the bike.
  2. Well, you're gonna need to either buy an iPad or upgrade your phone to an iPhone 5. Any problem with an Apple product can be cured by either buying another one or a better one. Welcome to the most expensive decision you've ever made.
  3. So let me get this straight... he's so pissed off about a picture that seems pretty funny - and harmless - to me, that he has decided to give up his hobby all together? Wow.
  4. BadTrainDriver has had a couple - ask him about motor-kabooming. There were year ranges to stay away from, but something that new I think is ok.
  5. You can get an awful lot of whore for a crisp Hamilton in C-bus. Yet another reason C-bus > Mistake on the Lake.
  6. When the bike landed, it broke 4 of the 7 cameras and cracked the DVR case. Spilled cola got in it when Scruit was lifting the bike back up, rendering the video useless.
  7. Just to stir the pot, I'd offer that one could buy a Panini press for home for the cost of a night out at Melt. Just to stir the pot...
  8. Spent about two hours bleeding and messing with the adjustments on the clutch on my VTR after I put it back together because every time I tested dropping it into gear it stalled out. Finally realized the kickstand was down. VTRs have a kill switch wired into the kick stand, by the way.
  9. I was talking about the Columbus location being open, bad. Sorry!
  10. Don't see it listed on their website yet... Edit: Coming this year : http://www.bizjournals.com/columbus/blog/2012/11/melt-bringing-grilled-cheese.html
  11. Man, this looks great so far. Following this thread for sure!
  12. Blu Ray plays DVDs and Blu Ray discs, and depending on model, can surf the web and do other things too. PS3 does this as well, and plays PS3 games. By the time you get a fully equipped Blu Ray, you're nearly to the price of a PS3. If you see yourself as a gamer, spend the extra money. /thread
  13. It can be done instantly. Paper copy usually takes a day or two.
  14. Thinking of going into the PODS-doing business this year... I hear it can be pretty lucrative.
  15. I'd start by cutting out your evening consumption. The morning and noon rounds shouldn't be that harmful to you - drinking that late is what's effecting your sleep. Try tea or decaf to start with. Some coffee is ok.
  16. This is a really good price guys. If I could go, I'd have bought them up already.
  17. Right size and all, but the place I work gives me a free pair every year.
  18. And while you're there, price out a three-wolf-moon tee shirt and read the comments.
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